This is what the federal government wondered when they adopted the First Nations Financial Transparency Act in 2013. It essentially forced the First Nations Chief Councils of all First Nations to make public their financial statements and other financial information that should have been public to begin with. Not complying meant that further funding would be witheld.
This was a completely reasonable measure as it was an effective and easy to comply way to fight corruption. This would have ensured that every penny of the Federal Government's funding is actually being used to improve their local economy and living conditions. And yet this measure was met with extreme backlash and protests from the First Nations lead by their council members.
Nobody wants to talk about this situation. But it strongly suggests that a lot of the First Nation's hardships are of their own doing through the corruption of their councils.
Then the Trudeau government rolled in and essentially disabled this act in 2015. A decision that I can only see as politically motivated. Now we just keep sending their councils millions of dollars for them to spend however they please with no transparency while their people continue to freeze and starve.
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
Editing what appears on SpikedNation again dinmin? You are one sleazy maggot, there's just no question about it. Time to start banning people again? You didn't like the message, huh? You are a sad character, no question about it.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
if you have to resort to lies to get a point across your point sucks
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
LOLOLOL You are seriously denying that you have edited posts!!???? I guess that's no surprise but it sure is pathetic. You have edited the drongo post multiple times. You are a black mark on this site.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
no i'm saying the post you made that got to the front page firstly accused me of deleting a video. I left it as it was for 2 months & then removed my name out of the title because that's misleading & unfair - I didn't delete a post I deleted a comment that was spam & just a pack of lies. later you put my name back in the title - I don't want my name in the title obviously so that's when I turned it into a rickroll. It's a pathetic smear post & your original video was full of lies.
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
YOU DID DELETE IT YOU DIPSHIT! YOU ARE DENYING A FACT. Your "I disagree so it's Falun Gong/CIA disinfo is low-level virgin wumao dogshit. Oh, your warped view of reality causes you to see everything you disagree with as lies. You are a sad character. Deprogram from your bizarre cult.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
What????? Did you skip your meds? dinmin, you are in a very bad place. Good of you to bring everyone along with you.
Care to explain replacing this post
with this picture?
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
You denied it then replaced it with "noted" You are one fucked up character.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
why are you posting content from a literal cult to this website?
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
Smooth. Your cult technique is old though.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Is it no longer permitted to post cult-related videos to the platform? Are you the technical admin or the ideological moderator here? And if there's a call to stop the Chinatard posting then that includes your not-so-subtle daily "whatabout" posts to this site dovetailing directly off the sprawling China debate (not really a debate lol).
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
the question was for monkeymania but since he dodged it & you've also posted said content skeptoid, you can have a go at answering...
why are you posting content from a literal cult to this website?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Because it made me smile. And you?
Also, how about answering my questions: Is cult-derived content banned from Spiked (I'll just give you Max's definition although I don't think the label matters)? Are you the tech admin or the ideological moderator?
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
dinmin is a CCP shill who accuses any posts contrary to his cult teachings as being cult-derived while he uses his admin privileges to edit comments and posts which he doesn't agree with. Bad shit.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
it made me smile
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Yes - knowing how you'd react, and knowing where it comes from, made me smile dude. I've been pulling punches with you on this, not really getting too involved, but seeing what you were up to I couldn't resist. From there I posted the same information from increasingly reliable sources to watch you squirm - that made me smile too. I'm also the only person here that I know of who has agreed that you don't want Falun as your single source on China - you want to cross-check their facts against other outlets with less obvious motives/bias. Most of their specific claims about China wrt organ harvesting and the virus outbreak check out when verified against other sources not owned by or controlled by the Chinese gov, which is why you keep harping on the fact that you and Max think they're a cult - point to the fact that they are called a cult, thereby negating their facts/claims. Right? But you can find the same facts/claims verified by lol "non-cult" mainstream media, in which case you shimmy over to "CIA disinfo" that just happens to mirror the Falun disinfo. Is the "cult" supposed to be CIA-controlled as well - that I'm not clear on. I've done with you what I always do here - witness incredible bullshit-style shenanigans afoot, make some deliberate posts to tease out positions, note contradictions and motivated arguments/thinking, attack.
You've been getting a largely free pass here for some time on the China and pro-dictator front, and suddenly whe the heat is on there's a call to can the subject altogether. I support that - as well as a clarification on your specific role here on the site. Still haven't answered that one, or the others. Wondering if it may be time for you to take a break or hang up the hat altogether.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
So just to be clear, you uploaded that Falun Gong video about people dying in China because it made you smile thinking about the reaction it would get from me. What kind of reaction did you think I'd have?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You can read comments. I uploaded the video to start at the furthest extreme and then walked you methodically out of the cult red herring to a place where your obfuscatory avoidance of facts being reported by multiple legitimate sources can't be danced around (Sato did the legwork). The entire process makes me smile. It always does. And no one smiles about increased death tolls and you KNOW that - we smile at the lies of the CCP once again being exposed, while simultaneously stewing and trying to keep our cool as it becomes increasinly apparent how much of this could have been avoided had the CCP's BS been properly scrutinized from the beginning. The real failure here is on the Western side - what would compel any administration to believe the WHO on behalf of China on something like this? Trump's admin has to answer for that - the Biden campaign has noticed the angle and is trying to capitalize.
What bothers and kind of sickens me is to see you precisely mirroring the primitive gaslighting tactics of the CCP while debating the issue of virus origin and CCP culpability, apparently abusing your power here to increasingly "curate" what people are posting on the subject of China. That's just going to make folks want to lean in - your instinct to be authoritarian and define terms according to your personal tastes and desires while having the power to shape content on the site is a bad mix. And a bad look for you. Step back, take a deep breadth, and look at what you're doing. Look at how easy it is to expose what you're doing. Ugh.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
is that how you got off the Jordan Peterson bandwagon or are you still on it?
Ah, a Dave Rubin post. Seems you're still on it. And now the jig is up it seems you're trying to make light of being sucked in by pseudo-intellectuals. Interesting.
It might surprise you to hear this but I don't need advice on how to perceive lies from someone who spent 10 years hanging on the words of Jordan Peterson like a puppy dog. And I don't need someone who's never been to China & will die brainwashed about the place to try & lecture me on the subject.
Like I tell everyone here - if there's something specific you believe that I have wrong, say it & provide the best evidence you can. We can go over it. 99% of the time nobody bothers, they appear outraged at the mere fact that someone here would DeFeNd ChInA.
You're obviously one of these kinds of people. You live in fear of the place. It's sad. At the end of the day the joke's on you.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I discovered JBP in late 2015. I wonder if you really don't understand. It's possible, but I want to grant you more intellectual respect and say instead that it looks more like corruption. So I'll try this again:
This isn't at ALL about what YOU need. You are a technical admin for this website - you volunteered to do a job. Your motive was altruistic right? But you are also a user of the site who posts a shitload, is very opinionated, has ideological goals they want to achieve here (let's just leave it vague like that), and that's just fine. But when you start to mix the two together - when you start to curate content because it offends whatever personal tastes, opinions, or desires you have with regard to the subject of your choice, that's a serious a breach of integrity that destroys your credibility as an administrator here. I'm honestly wondering - CAN you see that? Your sympathy for the CCP and governments of that type suggests to me you may genuinely not be able to comprehend these concepts. But your intelligence suggests you can abstract well enough to grasp what I'm telling you. Therein lies the rub - only you can clarify the situation.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
has ideological goals they want to achieve here
when you go an say things like this:
Your sympathy for the CCP and governments of that type suggests to me you may genuinely not be able to comprehend these concepts
it just makes me sad that I'm even talking to you. You're an ignorant & fear-driven person & for your sake I hope that you figure shit out a bit before you die. If you want to chat on discord about it here's a link to the spiked server:
I don't think you'll take up the offer though, you're too stuck & challenging or fleshing out your opinion on this topic isn't something you could handle. Prove me wrong.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
So are you going to continue editing people's posts? That's how they run shit in China, don't they?
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boldfart (Long Spike)
"It's god's will" ????? WTF?
Are these the people who build igloos? and are allowed to kill whales?
Something wrong here.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
ah. i loved this when it was happening. if i recall the cheif had midspent and couldnt account for millions. can't remember if she went on a hunger strike because the government was doing an audit or if she went on it because they got a third party to manage it while they were doing the audit
think i've mentioned it before. my city gets communites like that when there homes flood, its seasonal up there. so when they get here, they only have the clothes on there backs. they get a few rooms, they get a new wardobe, there given some money and the necessities for the stay which could be weeks to a month and luguage so when they leave, they take whats given to them. so. some of the communities come from dry reserves(no alcohol) where the only thing that gets you drunk is gas. so during there stay, they are fed buffet style. really good food. they set up garbage bins in the hallways but. they still choose to throw food on the ground. they've also been known to shit in the hallways, cleaners had to work in pairs because assaults in the past. fights happen on the regular so cops are stationed there during there stay. so when they do leave. they use the luguage given to them for clothes, to store alcohol. fuck, i love those crazy guys
(Short Spike)
1:43 That. Where is all the money going?
This is what the federal government wondered when they adopted the First Nations Financial Transparency Act in 2013. It essentially forced the First Nations Chief Councils of all First Nations to make public their financial statements and other financial information that should have been public to begin with. Not complying meant that further funding would be witheld.
This was a completely reasonable measure as it was an effective and easy to comply way to fight corruption. This would have ensured that every penny of the Federal Government's funding is actually being used to improve their local economy and living conditions. And yet this measure was met with extreme backlash and protests from the First Nations lead by their council members.
Nobody wants to talk about this situation. But it strongly suggests that a lot of the First Nation's hardships are of their own doing through the corruption of their councils.
Then the Trudeau government rolled in and essentially disabled this act in 2015. A decision that I can only see as politically motivated. Now we just keep sending their councils millions of dollars for them to spend however they please with no transparency while their people continue to freeze and starve.
(Long Spike)
Editing what appears on SpikedNation again dinmin? You are one sleazy maggot, there's just no question about it. Time to start banning people again? You didn't like the message, huh? You are a sad character, no question about it.
(Old Spike)
if you have to resort to lies to get a point across your point sucks
(Long Spike)
LOLOLOL You are seriously denying that you have edited posts!!???? I guess that's no surprise but it sure is pathetic. You have edited the drongo post multiple times. You are a black mark on this site.
(Old Spike)
no i'm saying the post you made that got to the front page firstly accused me of deleting a video. I left it as it was for 2 months & then removed my name out of the title because that's misleading & unfair - I didn't delete a post I deleted a comment that was spam & just a pack of lies. later you put my name back in the title - I don't want my name in the title obviously so that's when I turned it into a rickroll. It's a pathetic smear post & your original video was full of lies.
(Long Spike)
YOU DID DELETE IT YOU DIPSHIT! YOU ARE DENYING A FACT. Your "I disagree so it's Falun Gong/CIA disinfo is low-level virgin wumao dogshit. Oh, your warped view of reality causes you to see everything you disagree with as lies. You are a sad character. Deprogram from your bizarre cult.
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
What????? Did you skip your meds? dinmin, you are in a very bad place. Good of you to bring everyone along with you.
Care to explain replacing this post
(Long Spike)
You denied it then replaced it with "noted" You are one fucked up character.
(Old Spike)
why are you posting content from a literal cult to this website?
(Long Spike)
Smooth. Your cult technique is old though.
(Old Spike)
Is it no longer permitted to post cult-related videos to the platform? Are you the technical admin or the ideological moderator here? And if there's a call to stop the Chinatard posting then that includes your not-so-subtle daily "whatabout" posts to this site dovetailing directly off the sprawling China debate (not really a debate lol).
(Old Spike)
the question was for monkeymania but since he dodged it & you've also posted said content skeptoid, you can have a go at answering...
why are you posting content from a literal cult to this website?
(Old Spike)
Because it made me smile. And you?
Also, how about answering my questions: Is cult-derived content banned from Spiked (I'll just give you Max's definition although I don't think the label matters)? Are you the tech admin or the ideological moderator?
(Long Spike)
dinmin is a CCP shill who accuses any posts contrary to his cult teachings as being cult-derived while he uses his admin privileges to edit comments and posts which he doesn't agree with. Bad shit.
(Old Spike)
it made me smile
(Old Spike)
Yes - knowing how you'd react, and knowing where it comes from, made me smile dude. I've been pulling punches with you on this, not really getting too involved, but seeing what you were up to I couldn't resist. From there I posted the same information from increasingly reliable sources to watch you squirm - that made me smile too. I'm also the only person here that I know of who has agreed that you don't want Falun as your single source on China - you want to cross-check their facts against other outlets with less obvious motives/bias. Most of their specific claims about China wrt organ harvesting and the virus outbreak check out when verified against other sources not owned by or controlled by the Chinese gov, which is why you keep harping on the fact that you and Max think they're a cult - point to the fact that they are called a cult, thereby negating their facts/claims. Right? But you can find the same facts/claims verified by lol "non-cult" mainstream media, in which case you shimmy over to "CIA disinfo" that just happens to mirror the Falun disinfo. Is the "cult" supposed to be CIA-controlled as well - that I'm not clear on. I've done with you what I always do here - witness incredible bullshit-style shenanigans afoot, make some deliberate posts to tease out positions, note contradictions and motivated arguments/thinking, attack.
You've been getting a largely free pass here for some time on the China and pro-dictator front, and suddenly whe the heat is on there's a call to can the subject altogether. I support that - as well as a clarification on your specific role here on the site. Still haven't answered that one, or the others. Wondering if it may be time for you to take a break or hang up the hat altogether.
(Old Spike)
So just to be clear, you uploaded that Falun Gong video about people dying in China because it made you smile thinking about the reaction it would get from me. What kind of reaction did you think I'd have?
(Old Spike)
You can read comments. I uploaded the video to start at the furthest extreme and then walked you methodically out of the cult red herring to a place where your obfuscatory avoidance of facts being reported by multiple legitimate sources can't be danced around (Sato did the legwork). The entire process makes me smile. It always does. And no one smiles about increased death tolls and you KNOW that - we smile at the lies of the CCP once again being exposed, while simultaneously stewing and trying to keep our cool as it becomes increasinly apparent how much of this could have been avoided had the CCP's BS been properly scrutinized from the beginning. The real failure here is on the Western side - what would compel any administration to believe the WHO on behalf of China on something like this? Trump's admin has to answer for that - the Biden campaign has noticed the angle and is trying to capitalize.
What bothers and kind of sickens me is to see you precisely mirroring the primitive gaslighting tactics of the CCP while debating the issue of virus origin and CCP culpability, apparently abusing your power here to increasingly "curate" what people are posting on the subject of China. That's just going to make folks want to lean in - your instinct to be authoritarian and define terms according to your personal tastes and desires while having the power to shape content on the site is a bad mix. And a bad look for you. Step back, take a deep breadth, and look at what you're doing. Look at how easy it is to expose what you're doing. Ugh.
(Old Spike)
is that how you got off the Jordan Peterson bandwagon or are you still on it?
Ah, a Dave Rubin post. Seems you're still on it. And now the jig is up it seems you're trying to make light of being sucked in by pseudo-intellectuals. Interesting.
It might surprise you to hear this but I don't need advice on how to perceive lies from someone who spent 10 years hanging on the words of Jordan Peterson like a puppy dog. And I don't need someone who's never been to China & will die brainwashed about the place to try & lecture me on the subject.
Like I tell everyone here - if there's something specific you believe that I have wrong, say it & provide the best evidence you can. We can go over it. 99% of the time nobody bothers, they appear outraged at the mere fact that someone here would DeFeNd ChInA.
You're obviously one of these kinds of people. You live in fear of the place. It's sad. At the end of the day the joke's on you.
(Old Spike)
I discovered JBP in late 2015. I wonder if you really don't understand. It's possible, but I want to grant you more intellectual respect and say instead that it looks more like corruption. So I'll try this again:
This isn't at ALL about what YOU need. You are a technical admin for this website - you volunteered to do a job. Your motive was altruistic right? But you are also a user of the site who posts a shitload, is very opinionated, has ideological goals they want to achieve here (let's just leave it vague like that), and that's just fine. But when you start to mix the two together - when you start to curate content because it offends whatever personal tastes, opinions, or desires you have with regard to the subject of your choice, that's a serious a breach of integrity that destroys your credibility as an administrator here. I'm honestly wondering - CAN you see that? Your sympathy for the CCP and governments of that type suggests to me you may genuinely not be able to comprehend these concepts. But your intelligence suggests you can abstract well enough to grasp what I'm telling you. Therein lies the rub - only you can clarify the situation.
(Old Spike)
has ideological goals they want to achieve here
when you go an say things like this:
Your sympathy for the CCP and governments of that type suggests to me you may genuinely not be able to comprehend these concepts
it just makes me sad that I'm even talking to you. You're an ignorant & fear-driven person & for your sake I hope that you figure shit out a bit before you die. If you want to chat on discord about it here's a link to the spiked server:
I don't think you'll take up the offer though, you're too stuck & challenging or fleshing out your opinion on this topic isn't something you could handle. Prove me wrong.
(Site Moderator)
So are you going to continue editing people's posts? That's how they run shit in China, don't they?
(Long Spike)
"It's god's will" ????? WTF?
Are these the people who build igloos? and are allowed to kill whales?
Something wrong here.
(Old Spike)
ah. i loved this when it was happening. if i recall the cheif had midspent and couldnt account for millions. can't remember if she went on a hunger strike because the government was doing an audit or if she went on it because they got a third party to manage it while they were doing the audit
think i've mentioned it before. my city gets communites like that when there homes flood, its seasonal up there. so when they get here, they only have the clothes on there backs. they get a few rooms, they get a new wardobe, there given some money and the necessities for the stay which could be weeks to a month and luguage so when they leave, they take whats given to them. so. some of the communities come from dry reserves(no alcohol) where the only thing that gets you drunk is gas. so during there stay, they are fed buffet style. really good food. they set up garbage bins in the hallways but. they still choose to throw food on the ground. they've also been known to shit in the hallways, cleaners had to work in pairs because assaults in the past. fights happen on the regular so cops are stationed there during there stay. so when they do leave. they use the luguage given to them for clothes, to store alcohol. fuck, i love those crazy guys