Tank cleaner killer?


stonerDave's picture

I feel bad for his kid. Can't imagine my dad ranting at his phone in a parked car while I sit there. 

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

My dad's family is so complicated he entirely divorced himself from his parents and 11 siblings, left them at 18 and fled across the country, and never contacted them for over 30 years. Now, he contacts only one brother routinely, and has learned that after him, every single child did the same thing. Only that one brother keeps contact with everyone and the rest just don't want to know. Dad doesn't even know which of them are alive. The only thing he ever says is he learned how not to be.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Why would we need this kind of idiot giving his opinion about this?

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skeptoid's picture

We aren't you. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yep, in contrary to you I don't need yt opinion channels to give me my opinion.


This guy is an "influencer", not an informer.

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skeptoid's picture

How would one form an opinion out of watching the above video? You suck more than usual when you don't actually consume the content. And IMO your problem has always been precisely that you use like one or two yt opinion channels to form pretty much all of your "opinions" lol.



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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

LOL, yeah to you scientific analysis is "just an opinion".


What is your starsign?

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skeptoid's picture

What scientific analysis? Your only concern is in establishing some aboslute authority for opinions drawn from premises that are flawed from the outset, as shown by your favourite YTuber "Dude with chronic dope nose who thinks he's weilding science to support predrawn absolute conclusions." You represent what is looking increasingly kookish by the day. The discussion doesn't center around or begin with "Are aliens visiting us in space craft." You and your crush start there because you don't know yourselves. You look so foolish, and it's going to get worse and it's going to accelerate, and I'm going to watch how you deal with it. You're a constant source of lol education, Daft Cunt - just not the kind you're thinking of....

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

LOL, yep. Why don't you indulge us with your interpretation of what can be seen here and debunk the statements made? 
If you could, you would have done it rather than babbling. You are just butthurt that, again, your preferred world view (be it glitch in the matrix or alien vessel) is not the most likely reason for the phenomenon witnessed, and that by an enormous margin.


So you know, I actually would find this whole shebang way more exciting and interesting if there would be a tiny shred of evidence for the stuff witnessed to be an extra terrestrial space craft. Until this happens I'll chuckle at the desperation of the believers, not at those doing serious research into the matter.

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boldfart's picture

Still ranting.

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