Other countries run their post offices at a loss, because the money they get back in increased tax revenues through businesses that can exist thanks to the post office is higher.
(3 votes)
Other countries run their post offices at a loss, because the money they get back in increased tax revenues through businesses that can exist thanks to the post office is higher.
(Long Spike)
Shipping companies and Amazon smothered it.
(Old Spike)
no that's not what happened, watch the video.
(Old Spike)
You really expect this page's number one trump
tardafficionado (by quite a margin since fullauto fell silent) to watch LWT? Or to inform themselves by sources other than breitbart and trump tweets?(sounds retarded)
Oh yeah cuz the libtards feeding off of CrapNewsNetwork and a fucking comedy show telling you how to think (LTW) is really that much better? Perhaps some just cannot stand this guy! I have to force myself to sit through his shit, I find him annoying as hell. I could only get through 4 min. I remember congress fucking with the USPS like 10-15 years ago making them save up their expected finacail obligations for future retires or some absurd asinine shit like that and it was bankrupting them. But really just like with any government agency, there is waste and inefficiencies.
(Old Spike)
he's not saying they're any better?
i don't really care for this guy either, but what matters is the information, not the one giving it.
impressed you knew about the law that messed up the USPS budget, i didn't. interested to hear more about these inefficiencies and waste you speak of, could you elaborate?