Crow Encourages Lazy Hedgehog


gardendaleguy's picture

nice vid, but is that really a crow? ..never saw one with white on it. very awesome if so

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lawngnome's picture


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Woodsman's picture

I didn't know that.  Crows do too.  When I was a kid a friend shot a crow with a pellet gun and crows flew from all over the fucking place and "cawed" like crazy for a funeral.  It messed with our heads for a bit lol.


edit: was supposed to be a reply to trooper trent


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trooper_trent's picture

Magpie. They're awesome. Super smart. Huge assholes. They hold funerals for their dead. I have a magpie on my sleeve tattoo. My favorite bird.


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monkeymania's picture

It looks like a Hooded Crow. There are a lot fewer of them around here than the all black ones but they are around.


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lawngnome's picture

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