Donald Trump Theory

hellyeah's picture

★The Donald Trump Theory★ PRANKING US ALL

its pre..............but know................fuck.........................were not fucked...................are we??????

Average: 3.6 (10 votes)


puttefnask's picture

Funny how kids aren't aware how their prepubescant voices doesn't inspire credibility.

The entire thing is, "here are historical anecdotes about the Republican Party and therefore Trump is responsible."

He could barely pronounce "architecture". There's even an annotation where he wrongly identifies Trump's then wife as someone else. "I made an image search error". Which proves he doesn't even know who these people are. And 15 minutes into it, he starts blaming Oprah Winfrey for discovering him? As if he wasn't already in the media or the news papers, it's just that this brat is completely ignorant of the times, because he couldn't find earlier footage on youtube.

"Is this one GIANT critique of the Republican Party? Post this to your facebook with Hashtag #1MinuteHistory for a change to win a personalized 1MinuteHistory OR a personalized Soviet style Hope Poster (an $800 value)"

I doubt this kid has ever produced anything remotely close to the value of $800, except for the value of his copyright infringements.

He greenscreened himself into a Trump rally holding a microphone, as if he was making this on his epic journalistic journey.

I'm not even going to watch the whole thing through.



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eh's picture

They be don't do dat? Dat don't be credible. Work on your english chief.

Fact: Trump is a pathological liar at best. Perhaps he just loves to lie.

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puttefnask's picture

I misspelled "prepubescent" as "prepubescant". I wrote "15" instead of fifteen. 

I could have written:

"Funny how kids aren't aware of how their own prepubescent voices does not inspire any credibility.

But I didn't. Yet the sentence is perfectly comprehensible. All of them are.

You focus on the minor details of my grammar because you can't argue the points that were made.  A poor attempt at attacking someone's intelligence based on their grammatical abilities, in a second language at that.

You can't even state your own "facts" without shitting on them.

"Fact: Trump is a pathological liar at best"

A stronger statement would be:

"Fact: Trump is a pathological liar."

But when you add "at best" at the end, it reveals that you're not even sure. You're saying "here is a fact about my guess. I will continue to insinuate this allegation, because it is my best guess so far."

And you follow up with a question(where you forgot a question mark, I might add):

"Perhaps he just loves to lie(?)". 


This contrasts your comments to other videos related to Trump. Which means this terribly edited video by some kid using ripped footage, out of context, actually made you unsure of what to think about this man. It changed your opinion. Not by much, but to the extent that you've changed your language when writing about him. You adapted to your new perspective. By the course of watching a single video.

That only proves that your mind is very malleable and susceptible to media. You're part of the gullible mob, who ignores their own mistakes and are only aware of current events because it favors your side. 

If an allegation or theory still puts him in a negative light, you're willing to accept changes to your impression of Trump, even with weak evidence, but only when it's negative. Even if it contradicts everything you've ever said, because you're going to ignore those parts.

If someone were to challenge you, as they often do on this website, with anything portraying him in a positive light, there won't ever be enough evidence to change your mind. You are infinitely biased.

That man is evil. No matter what he does, he is evil. He could save the world. Probably just to keep being evil in your mind. He could be totally vindicated in front of you, but you'd still call shenanigans or conspiracy.

That's your logic. Because it is an ideology. An idea, of an evil man doing evil things, all of the time.

A real life villain. Finally!

And everyone can be a hero on your side.


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eh's picture

You wrote "..their prepubescant voices doesn't inspire credibility." You are so fucking stupid you don't even know what's wrong. I just thought it was idiotic to begin a wall of text with something that bad. I didn't read anything beyond that. Perhaps you stated the formula for world peace in the wall of text beyond it.

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puttefnask's picture

"There", as in place? You thought that is the word I wanted to use? "They're", as in "they are"? Because that's not what I wanted to write nor would it make any sense. I wrote "kids" before that, which is plural. Which means when I said that "their", the kids' prepubescent voices, the sound of their voices, doesn't inspire any credibility, I really mean that their prepubescent voices does not inspire any credibility.

How the fuck can I make that any more clear?

I know there's one kid voicing this specific terrible video, but there's lots of kids making these kinds of "documentaries". One example was "Loose Change", which convinced droves of retards that 9/11 was an inside job by cutting out the context from firefighters' conversations recorded on that day.

The fact that you're admitting to not reading what you called "a wall of text" is so ironic, because I described that exact liberal symptom in the paragraphs you proudly skipped, because you are proudly ignorant. The paragraphs are a little all over the place, I admit, but it's not really that much when you consider the font-size on this website. It's roughly thirty-five sentences.You're complaining about easy reading. Unless your easy reading-standards are the titles in news articles, which would explain a lot.

Unless there is a bug on this website that is showing you something different than I am seeing on my screen, or some kind of auto-correct in the browser mumbo-jumbo, I can't for the life of me see what is wrong with what I initially wrote, except for the misspelling of a word. A comma maybe?

Oh, I know. That many words does not compute. Poor thing. Aaaaw. #Tardlife.


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eh's picture

Holy shit.............where the fuck did you go to school? DID you go to school? Check out DOESN'T you fucking moron. Then you write yet another wall of text to explain "Their?" Dude, just give it up. You don't all. #Fucktard

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puttefnask's picture

Ah, the don't and doesn't. Honest mistake. Would have saved a lot of time if you pointed that out more clearly, "master of words".

But the meaning of my sentence is clear, but you still refuse to respond because of that single grammatical error, and refused to tell me what the problem was until now, because you'd rather focus on errors than responding to arguments that you understood clearly from the get-go.

And again, it is my second language. English is not an official language of my country. Do you shit on immigrants who mess up their grammar as well?

I don't expect you to answer any of the arguments, because it seems you are unable to subtract meaning from a foreigner's broken English because you require grammatical perfection before even considering taking them seriously, and therefore consider yourself the victor of any discussion, superior in every way, because a foreigner didn't say it right.

Would be kind of awkward if you've been faced with, or battled prejudice just like this your entire life, and then dismissing someone for the very same reasons right now, and then realising what you're doing.

Wouldn't that be awkward, eh?

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

Donald Trump as a narcissistic troll trying to ruin one side sounds about right. Time will show if it'll work. I doubt it.

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