while this seems to be a retarded way of making a point, i can't really think of anything else. i mean it's been a systemic thing for decades, not just police violence but in gerenal both police forces and the governments paying them have been serving themselves rather than the people. it doesn'T change at all after an election, so just what other way of bringing about change is there?
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
How about start being a community member, promote family values, community values and start to get to know one another.
"...72% of people don't know their neighbors anymore." I read this quote somewhere, and that is what is wrong with people now a days. Technology isn't bringing people together, it is just drifting us further apart.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Do people really wonder why the "black community" in the US is getting so frustrated that they vandalise and steal?
If you have to tell your fellow humans that your lives matter too and they then, in complete and utter retardedness, shout back "fuck off, all lives matter", completely missing and dismissing the point, there is no other conclusion to take than society has failed this group of people.
Nothing to add.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
If you have nothing to add in order to solve a problem, you have accepted it.
Imagine accepting racism. That's like one of the most racist things I can imagine.
You aren't, obviously.
So stop pretending to be ignorant because it just happens to further your own cause at the moment.
Black lives matter. Of course, all lives matter, which includes black lives, just like they always did. That is probably the thought in the minds of most people who say it. Whom are suddenly blamed for racism, fired from their jobs, perhaps even beat up.
We happen to know where the current problems' originate and how they're all being perpetuated.
But all those reasons have been redefined as racist by the left and the media which protects them.
It's hard to solve problems when everyone still allowed to talk has censored the mere suggestion that they may be partly to blame. They would rather assign guilt to their own entire race over admitting the consequences of their political ideology.
Can guilt be assigned based on race?
No. That would be a fucked up thing to do.
Then what the fuck are ya'll doing in response to that exact scenario, playing out in front of you for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, perpetrated by an individual who believed that he could?
Assigning guilt based on race.
It helps no one except to further a political ideology, by taking advantage of it at everyone else's expence.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
It is not my place to solve the problem.
It would be yours and especially media people like tucker and politicians like trump, however they are not even pretending to try but poor gasoline on the fire.
Post MLK white american society systematically discriminated against black people and this hasn't stopped until now. The worst thing is that most blacks and whites follow the same religious belief system so there isn't even an excuse in that.
Keep on sweet talking this to yourself and you will never see the end of it, probably you don't even want to. With your attitude you are also part of the problem, not part of the solution.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Can you name any other media personalities who could help solve the problem? Is it your commitment to the ideology that gives u personal license to refer to blacks as "the negroes" and women repeatedly as "cunts" and "whores" here on this site? What are your thoughts on race mixing?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
'scuse me? When have I ever referred to women as "whores". I know you are not the brightest light when it comes to sarcasm but even you should have gotten which kind of people the messages where I used the term negroe were aimed at (As you didn't get it: YOUR kind, i.e. the typical conservative white "mild to severe" racist).
My use of the word "cunt" also needs to be seen in context (which you are so often failing at) and has british rather than american roots, if I remember correctly bannik even explained it to you back in the old spiked, if ya can't remember look it up ya dumb cunt.
And lastly literally any US media personality or politician should help solve the problem. Cunts like you, purgetheflask, tucker, trump, hillary and biden are not though. Now this is a national (US) issue, I don't know how severe the problem in Canada is, so, in contrary to the others, really neither you nor I even can be part of this particular solution.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Regarding my experience with racism, I write this because I honestly believe you and others in the Americas "don't get" Europe, although some of you claim to have extensively travelled the continent for a week or 2:
My parents both were born in 1927 in Germany so they suffered the war, my father (as his 2 year older brother before) was even drawn into the army aged 16. Born in 63 I grew up in the late sixties to early eighties. As the german "colonial background" literally is non-existent in the current population we were pretty much all white.
My mother came from a poor-ish farmer family in Bavaria, after my father made a good career as an accountant so they could even afford a middle class car (although literally every friend of mine had a colour TV in the living room way before we had), my mother started to develop illusions of grandeur. We were "better" than "others" because my father was higher educated and had the better job and more, sometimes even vile, comparisons. This always streuck me as odd, however, we were never "better" because of ethnicity or religion, in contrary to education that was never a factor.
Foreigners of "colour" living there were mainly US soldiers that, like their white counterparts, did not really mix with the german population (with the exception of the german american friendship festival once a year where we drank cherry coke and ate burgers until we puked, lol).
The feeling between us youngsters growing up was somewhere between envy (cherry coke was exclusively available in the px), general mild xenophobia and dislike of being occupied more than 30 years after the war. Germans of mixed race existed due to German Mädchen being impregnated by black soldiers who left for home and the family behind rather than taking them (Plenty of white soldiers did this too of course). These girls of course suffered severe discrimination by their peers, however, the kids often were the "cool guys", at my school at least.
So discrimination started more like in the later 80s and 90s with the far right proclaiming "proud to be german" and protest featuring "germany for germans" banners, but not so much in my neighborhood in the suburbs, more in large cities like Berlin, as always because of "the economy". In the mid 90s I went to work in Britain. This is when I started to understand racism. Despite calling black people negroes during a conversation with a chap called Cleon, who despite all this became my friend (in the early 70's we read Tom Sawyer at school in english class and were told "negroe" is the correct term for black people, LOL).
Whenever I was invited for dinner or to a party at his house my wife and I were the only white people. Whenever we had a venue he and his wife were the only black people. Considering the distribution within the population the proportion would have been correct for "my" but not for "their" parties.
Also one of my neighbours was a black family and the daughter had a white boyfriend. He was the only white guy I ever saw at their house. It took me quite a while to figure this out to be a rather repetitive pattern I was quite naïve in this sense. What we did not have is black and white segregated neighbourhoods. Muslim neighbourhoods started to form though, usually in the cheaper part of town, although when I lived there one could go there without fear of anyone, day or night.
Now here in Mallorca things are more multi culti by default as it is a holiday island and opportunists from all over the world are here, there is also a large gay/trans "community". As I speak spanish and a little catalan I am not part of the "german community" but live my life integrated into society. My wife (being from Madrid) has it a little harder sometimes than her husband being german, lol.
So here in europe racism is an issue but way less than in the US, actually less to an extent that is hard to get your head round, especially the ignorance of some "all lives matter" retards.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
Welcome to reality.
The solving problems has never been a joyride. It takes the sacrifice of one's time, dedication, and perhaps most importantly of one's own pride. It often is in pride, or complete loyalty in your side which is exactly where the problem lies. Systemic problems cannot be solved by symbolic gestures performed by authority figures in support of causes.
Nor can it be solved by symbolic images or written testimonies in social media, or calls to change behavior.
People don't like homework. They'll do it as long as it provides them likes and positive attention.
It takes a systematic, transparent and objective approach to find systematic failures and shortcomings in order to correct them. Reality is hard. And in order to understand reality, you have to be objective and be willing to accept uncomfortable truths about yourself rather than leaving the blame for someone else.
"there is no other conclusion to take than society has failed this group of people."
"It is not my place to solve the problem."
"It would be yours and especially media people like tucker and politicians like trump"
"The worst thing is that most blacks and whites follow the same religious belief system"
According to these comments you are not part of society, and therefore it is not your place to solve the problem, but rather people in the News and Donald Trump, even though it wouldn't help because blacks and whites are inevitably doomed anyway.
Then why do you even bother to comment?
You have "nothing to add", in your own words.
Maybe it's you who is the one pooring gasoline on the fire and not even pretending to solve the problem?
Should have told me you're a pessimist.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I reply although there is nothing to add as you don't seem to (want to) get it.
It is not my place because I am not MURRICAN, if you are it is your place.
This is a US homegrown and exaggerated issue, only trumped by apartheid in israel and similar countries (not "simple" racism as such, please refer to my 2nd to skeptoid above).
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
Let's not forget that Germany is the most recent and most effective provider of racist rhetoric repeated by white supremacists globally still today along with post-slavery slavery at large capacity... And then some.
It's kinda weird how you glossed over that detail like: Yez, es waz just this world war that happentz from time to time, but zeh blacks are cool now, ja, at zeh dinner parties?
Of course it's not your place. Ya'll planned to enslave the entire African continent barely 80 years ago.
You're not a pessimist.
You're simply too arrogant to acquire any sort of self-insight.
And thank god everyone's still allowed to make fun of you guys.
Sorry, you are Europeans now. So fancy with your blue flag and future army.
Mmm Ja Klar!
*adds me to the list*
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Your ignorance on Germany and Europe is as impressive as ever.
I haven't lived in Germany for more than 25 years, in fact I spent most of my adult life abroad as a foreigner.
I and people of a similar age have NOTHING to do with WW2 or the holocaust, my parents and grandparents had, and they all cheered for the Führer, like most of the others. I am not denying that or the holocaust, never have.
In a similar fashion I am not proud on the co-incidence of my nationality I am not ashamed for what my ancestors did, neither am I to be made responsible.
Call people arrogant that hold a mirror in front of your face as long as you like, if it makes you feel better.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
So you believe that white Americans today should not be held responsible for slavery just like Germans today should not be held accountable for everything the Nazis did?
Great to know.
The reason I pointed out your arrogance is that the Left is following the exact pattern of actions and rhetoric which led to everything the Nazis did. And you appear to have no thoughts on the subject, despite probably having it endlessly pushed into your head through education in Germany, because everything appears just fine and dandy where you are right now. But hey, people forget.
And you for some reason still insist on assuming I'm not European despite the gap of information you have about me.
Which is really arrogant.
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
You would seriously equate the left more with the nazis than the Trumptard right?
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
They're pandering to causes in exchange for power. Not that hard. Hitler did the same thing with his speeches.
Eventually he grew powerful enough to start censoring facts, history, criticism and art.
Removing books from publishers, movies from streaming services, websites for criticism and art out of context are all modern day book burnings. People are being persecuted using twitter and threatened with losing their livelihoods in order to stifle opposing opinion. Posted those things ten years ago? Deleted them? Doesn't matter. Social Justice Dredd has just sentenced you to excommunicado by using the waybackmachine.
Silicon Valley is so liberal to the point where their ideology is embedded, programmed into their products and algorithms. Everyone left is losing their complete and utter shit. Just a few more steps, literally Hitler.
These are the arguments being laid out by the left.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"So you believe that white Americans today should not be held responsible for slavery just like Germans today should not be held accountable for everything the Nazis did?"
Most americans and south africans are not even to be held responsible for their respective regimes of apartheid as it happened before their time.
There is a difference regarding the current situation, though. Because the end of racial segregation wasn't really the end of separation, racism and the start of "real" equality, was it.
Your position is that of the typical white male apologist, politically situated some where between classic conservative and the "alt" right, just not far enough right to manage to claim black people are more violent and that is the reason for the crime statistics because it is genetic (which I think fullauto did some years back).
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
The reason I asked is because that belief is quickly becoming unacceptable by the left.
I've always been consistent about black people and white people being equal. I have no ulterior motives which would ever make me say otherwise. Science is on my side. If that is somewhere between classic conservative and the alt right then jesus fucking christ... Kill yourself.
All I'm saying is that a lot of the reasons behind the disenfranchisement of black people lies within the Democratic party, which has not accepted any sincere criticism since Obama took office. And now they have the Silicon Valley Infogarks on their side, aggressively pushing radical left ideology as a replacement for the law.
Diversity is not a guideline if implemented under the threat of everyone's reputations and livelihoods should they not comply. Implying that barely decade old norms originating from the social justice crowd at college campuses is somehow equal to the 200 years of perpetual debate between all sides regarding every topic including racism and civil liberties which through that progress evolved into one of the most successful and replicated democracies in the world, is utter nonsensical garbage.
Your problem with me is that I dare to say that someone like Donald Trump is necessary to hold off this wave of diarreah-ology coming from an arrogant Left on a power trip. It's even hard to imagine anybody up to the task who would hold out this long. And therefore, because the concept of your own side being wrong is so impossible to imagine, you'll take the easy way out, and rather put me in the ever expanding category of racist, than confronting your own cognitive dissonance for a single second.
You even pull up the very spiked version of Hitler as a comparison whom I have no idea why you guys still have a hard on for? Mentioning that name or his ideas are not arguments, you lost cunt.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
LOL, "the spiked version of Hitler"?
Mentioning you and fullauto in the same context is not as far fetched as it may seem to the (alt) right. At least as far as trump is concerned:
You are still supporting this man when he and his team are spreading nazi symbols as part of their campaign so that it even gets removed from facebook? What is there left to say.......
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
Antifa has also used those symbols, so it makes sense to feature them when you are trying to warn people about them.
Facebook has guidelines. They follow them as they see fit. But their guidelines are not legal nor historic documents to refer to when it comes to context. The law and history books should be used for context.
If you use social media to define reality, you are a lost cause.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
So "Antifa" is like the same level of sophistication, levelheadedness and extremism (just in opposite directions) as your president. Oh, look, we agree!
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
Antifa is a violent mob for hire, propaganda mercenaries, whose main focus is to convey an exaggerated state of public dissent and a society in disarray.
Their current main objective is to ensure the crime statistics explodes under the Trump administration, so that the Democratic Party and whomever is the Democratic nominee this election or in four years can use it as an argument, and be telling the truth, while leaving out that it was an artifically constructed outcome by the radical Left.
Successfully defunding the police is the road towards that outcome which will mostly hurt the black population.
He won't budge for any of their bullshit, which we now know after four years witnessing it.
Trump is not my leader because I'm still not an American citizen despite mentioning it several times before.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"...whose main focus is to convey an exaggerated state of public dissent and a society in disarray."
Seems trump and antifa have the same goals then, that is what he is achieving at the moment anyway.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
No, the media is doing it by misrepresenting everything he does to the point where it's even hard for conservative voters to figure out what he is actually doing wrong according to conservative ideas, which would lose him votes more effectively than anything MSM has produced so far.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Yeah, the fake news media is always the problem, best only listen to OAN...
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
Or rather watch everything you find important or relevant to you, from every source, in its entirety, be critical of all sources, check specifics where details are vague, and don't trust any one source completely. Forming an opinion before at least two of these steps will often leave you disappointed.
Fact-checking websites are a sign of the problem with media, and even they have been proven not being able to avoid the temptation from the same types of biases coming from corporate media.
Ratings, website traffic and ad revenues have been prioritized over objective news coverage for several decades now.
There hasn't been a single sincere attempt to change that in all those years. On the contrary. Outrage is profitable. They find it acceptable to print/post something incorrect that spawns outrage, just to retract it later on, for profit.
The entire internet is inflated in this way because nobody is accountable. It's through public relations and statements written by lawyers they deal with source criticism because they're the most effective at getting away with it.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Well at least we can also agree on that....
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
Just to be clear, the black community is not pushed to vandalizing and stealing. There is no reason to LOOT, vandalizing i can understand somewhat.. but after a bad verdict that everyone disagrees with. The people of MI didn't give justice a chance, that is where they are wrong. 90% of the Police are good people, because they are just people, 10% are bound to be corrupt or bad in some way, same as in every job anywhere, except lawyers, where the numbers are flipped.
If you are okay with people looting and rioting, and killing others over the life a 1 person, that many people didn't even have a personal connection to, in a non-racial crime, arrest, murder.. then you are the problem. Too many good people have already lost their lives, for a piece of shit cop and he cowardly companions.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
At least TRY to comprehend what one is saying before replying.
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
Leave Tucker alone. At least he stopped wearing bowties.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
I like how they named the new nation after a white person.. way to drop the ball CHAZ
(Old Spike)
while this seems to be a retarded way of making a point, i can't really think of anything else. i mean it's been a systemic thing for decades, not just police violence but in gerenal both police forces and the governments paying them have been serving themselves rather than the people. it doesn'T change at all after an election, so just what other way of bringing about change is there?
(Long Spike)
How about start being a community member, promote family values, community values and start to get to know one another.
"...72% of people don't know their neighbors anymore." I read this quote somewhere, and that is what is wrong with people now a days. Technology isn't bringing people together, it is just drifting us further apart.
(Old Spike)
Do people really wonder why the "black community" in the US is getting so frustrated that they vandalise and steal?
If you have to tell your fellow humans that your lives matter too and they then, in complete and utter retardedness, shout back "fuck off, all lives matter", completely missing and dismissing the point, there is no other conclusion to take than society has failed this group of people.
Nothing to add.
(Old Spike)
If you have nothing to add in order to solve a problem, you have accepted it.
Imagine accepting racism. That's like one of the most racist things I can imagine.
You aren't, obviously.
So stop pretending to be ignorant because it just happens to further your own cause at the moment.
Black lives matter. Of course, all lives matter, which includes black lives, just like they always did. That is probably the thought in the minds of most people who say it. Whom are suddenly blamed for racism, fired from their jobs, perhaps even beat up.
We happen to know where the current problems' originate and how they're all being perpetuated.
But all those reasons have been redefined as racist by the left and the media which protects them.
It's hard to solve problems when everyone still allowed to talk has censored the mere suggestion that they may be partly to blame. They would rather assign guilt to their own entire race over admitting the consequences of their political ideology.
Can guilt be assigned based on race?
No. That would be a fucked up thing to do.
Then what the fuck are ya'll doing in response to that exact scenario, playing out in front of you for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, perpetrated by an individual who believed that he could?
Assigning guilt based on race.
It helps no one except to further a political ideology, by taking advantage of it at everyone else's expence.
(Old Spike)
It is not my place to solve the problem.
It would be yours and especially media people like tucker and politicians like trump, however they are not even pretending to try but poor gasoline on the fire.
Post MLK white american society systematically discriminated against black people and this hasn't stopped until now. The worst thing is that most blacks and whites follow the same religious belief system so there isn't even an excuse in that.
Keep on sweet talking this to yourself and you will never see the end of it, probably you don't even want to. With your attitude you are also part of the problem, not part of the solution.
(Old Spike)
Can you name any other media personalities who could help solve the problem? Is it your commitment to the ideology that gives u personal license to refer to blacks as "the negroes" and women repeatedly as "cunts" and "whores" here on this site? What are your thoughts on race mixing?
(Old Spike)
'scuse me? When have I ever referred to women as "whores". I know you are not the brightest light when it comes to sarcasm but even you should have gotten which kind of people the messages where I used the term negroe were aimed at (As you didn't get it: YOUR kind, i.e. the typical conservative white "mild to severe" racist).
My use of the word "cunt" also needs to be seen in context (which you are so often failing at) and has british rather than american roots, if I remember correctly bannik even explained it to you back in the old spiked, if ya can't remember look it up ya dumb cunt.
And lastly literally any US media personality or politician should help solve the problem. Cunts like you, purgetheflask, tucker, trump, hillary and biden are not though. Now this is a national (US) issue, I don't know how severe the problem in Canada is, so, in contrary to the others, really neither you nor I even can be part of this particular solution.
(Old Spike)
Regarding my experience with racism, I write this because I honestly believe you and others in the Americas "don't get" Europe, although some of you claim to have extensively travelled the continent for a week or 2:
My parents both were born in 1927 in Germany so they suffered the war, my father (as his 2 year older brother before) was even drawn into the army aged 16. Born in 63 I grew up in the late sixties to early eighties. As the german "colonial background" literally is non-existent in the current population we were pretty much all white.
My mother came from a poor-ish farmer family in Bavaria, after my father made a good career as an accountant so they could even afford a middle class car (although literally every friend of mine had a colour TV in the living room way before we had), my mother started to develop illusions of grandeur. We were "better" than "others" because my father was higher educated and had the better job and more, sometimes even vile, comparisons. This always streuck me as odd, however, we were never "better" because of ethnicity or religion, in contrary to education that was never a factor.
Foreigners of "colour" living there were mainly US soldiers that, like their white counterparts, did not really mix with the german population (with the exception of the german american friendship festival once a year where we drank cherry coke and ate burgers until we puked, lol).
The feeling between us youngsters growing up was somewhere between envy (cherry coke was exclusively available in the px), general mild xenophobia and dislike of being occupied more than 30 years after the war. Germans of mixed race existed due to German Mädchen being impregnated by black soldiers who left for home and the family behind rather than taking them (Plenty of white soldiers did this too of course). These girls of course suffered severe discrimination by their peers, however, the kids often were the "cool guys", at my school at least.
So discrimination started more like in the later 80s and 90s with the far right proclaiming "proud to be german" and protest featuring "germany for germans" banners, but not so much in my neighborhood in the suburbs, more in large cities like Berlin, as always because of "the economy". In the mid 90s I went to work in Britain. This is when I started to understand racism. Despite calling black people negroes during a conversation with a chap called Cleon, who despite all this became my friend (in the early 70's we read Tom Sawyer at school in english class and were told "negroe" is the correct term for black people, LOL).
Whenever I was invited for dinner or to a party at his house my wife and I were the only white people. Whenever we had a venue he and his wife were the only black people. Considering the distribution within the population the proportion would have been correct for "my" but not for "their" parties.
Also one of my neighbours was a black family and the daughter had a white boyfriend. He was the only white guy I ever saw at their house. It took me quite a while to figure this out to be a rather repetitive pattern I was quite naïve in this sense. What we did not have is black and white segregated neighbourhoods. Muslim neighbourhoods started to form though, usually in the cheaper part of town, although when I lived there one could go there without fear of anyone, day or night.
Now here in Mallorca things are more multi culti by default as it is a holiday island and opportunists from all over the world are here, there is also a large gay/trans "community". As I speak spanish and a little catalan I am not part of the "german community" but live my life integrated into society. My wife (being from Madrid) has it a little harder sometimes than her husband being german, lol.
So here in europe racism is an issue but way less than in the US, actually less to an extent that is hard to get your head round, especially the ignorance of some "all lives matter" retards.
(Old Spike)
Welcome to reality.
The solving problems has never been a joyride. It takes the sacrifice of one's time, dedication, and perhaps most importantly of one's own pride. It often is in pride, or complete loyalty in your side which is exactly where the problem lies. Systemic problems cannot be solved by symbolic gestures performed by authority figures in support of causes.
Nor can it be solved by symbolic images or written testimonies in social media, or calls to change behavior.
People don't like homework. They'll do it as long as it provides them likes and positive attention.
It takes a systematic, transparent and objective approach to find systematic failures and shortcomings in order to correct them. Reality is hard. And in order to understand reality, you have to be objective and be willing to accept uncomfortable truths about yourself rather than leaving the blame for someone else.
"there is no other conclusion to take than society has failed this group of people."
"It is not my place to solve the problem."
"It would be yours and especially media people like tucker and politicians like trump"
"The worst thing is that most blacks and whites follow the same religious belief system"
According to these comments you are not part of society, and therefore it is not your place to solve the problem, but rather people in the News and Donald Trump, even though it wouldn't help because blacks and whites are inevitably doomed anyway.
Then why do you even bother to comment?
You have "nothing to add", in your own words.
Maybe it's you who is the one pooring gasoline on the fire and not even pretending to solve the problem?
Should have told me you're a pessimist.
(Old Spike)
I reply although there is nothing to add as you don't seem to (want to) get it.
It is not my place because I am not MURRICAN, if you are it is your place.
This is a US homegrown and exaggerated issue, only trumped by apartheid in israel and similar countries (not "simple" racism as such, please refer to my 2nd to skeptoid above).
(Old Spike)
Let's not forget that Germany is the most recent and most effective provider of racist rhetoric repeated by white supremacists globally still today along with post-slavery slavery at large capacity... And then some.
It's kinda weird how you glossed over that detail like: Yez, es waz just this world war that happentz from time to time, but zeh blacks are cool now, ja, at zeh dinner parties?
Of course it's not your place. Ya'll planned to enslave the entire African continent barely 80 years ago.
You're not a pessimist.
You're simply too arrogant to acquire any sort of self-insight.
And thank god everyone's still allowed to make fun of you guys.
Sorry, you are Europeans now. So fancy with your blue flag and future army.
Mmm Ja Klar!
*adds me to the list*
(Old Spike)
Your ignorance on Germany and Europe is as impressive as ever.
I haven't lived in Germany for more than 25 years, in fact I spent most of my adult life abroad as a foreigner.
I and people of a similar age have NOTHING to do with WW2 or the holocaust, my parents and grandparents had, and they all cheered for the Führer, like most of the others. I am not denying that or the holocaust, never have.
In a similar fashion I am not proud on the co-incidence of my nationality I am not ashamed for what my ancestors did, neither am I to be made responsible.
Call people arrogant that hold a mirror in front of your face as long as you like, if it makes you feel better.
(Old Spike)
So you believe that white Americans today should not be held responsible for slavery just like Germans today should not be held accountable for everything the Nazis did?
Great to know.
The reason I pointed out your arrogance is that the Left is following the exact pattern of actions and rhetoric which led to everything the Nazis did. And you appear to have no thoughts on the subject, despite probably having it endlessly pushed into your head through education in Germany, because everything appears just fine and dandy where you are right now. But hey, people forget.
And you for some reason still insist on assuming I'm not European despite the gap of information you have about me.
Which is really arrogant.
(Long Spike)
You would seriously equate the left more with the nazis than the Trumptard right?
(Old Spike)
They're pandering to causes in exchange for power. Not that hard. Hitler did the same thing with his speeches.
Eventually he grew powerful enough to start censoring facts, history, criticism and art.
Removing books from publishers, movies from streaming services, websites for criticism and art out of context are all modern day book burnings. People are being persecuted using twitter and threatened with losing their livelihoods in order to stifle opposing opinion. Posted those things ten years ago? Deleted them? Doesn't matter. Social Justice Dredd has just sentenced you to excommunicado by using the waybackmachine.
Silicon Valley is so liberal to the point where their ideology is embedded, programmed into their products and algorithms. Everyone left is losing their complete and utter shit. Just a few more steps, literally Hitler.
But like, Über Hitler.
(Long Spike)
Have a safe trip.
(Old Spike)
These are the arguments being laid out by the left.
(Old Spike)
"So you believe that white Americans today should not be held responsible for slavery just like Germans today should not be held accountable for everything the Nazis did?"
Most americans and south africans are not even to be held responsible for their respective regimes of apartheid as it happened before their time.
There is a difference regarding the current situation, though. Because the end of racial segregation wasn't really the end of separation, racism and the start of "real" equality, was it.
Your position is that of the typical white male apologist, politically situated some where between classic conservative and the "alt" right, just not far enough right to manage to claim black people are more violent and that is the reason for the crime statistics because it is genetic (which I think fullauto did some years back).
(Old Spike)
The reason I asked is because that belief is quickly becoming unacceptable by the left.
I've always been consistent about black people and white people being equal. I have no ulterior motives which would ever make me say otherwise. Science is on my side. If that is somewhere between classic conservative and the alt right then jesus fucking christ... Kill yourself.
All I'm saying is that a lot of the reasons behind the disenfranchisement of black people lies within the Democratic party, which has not accepted any sincere criticism since Obama took office. And now they have the Silicon Valley Infogarks on their side, aggressively pushing radical left ideology as a replacement for the law.
Diversity is not a guideline if implemented under the threat of everyone's reputations and livelihoods should they not comply. Implying that barely decade old norms originating from the social justice crowd at college campuses is somehow equal to the 200 years of perpetual debate between all sides regarding every topic including racism and civil liberties which through that progress evolved into one of the most successful and replicated democracies in the world, is utter nonsensical garbage.
Your problem with me is that I dare to say that someone like Donald Trump is necessary to hold off this wave of diarreah-ology coming from an arrogant Left on a power trip. It's even hard to imagine anybody up to the task who would hold out this long. And therefore, because the concept of your own side being wrong is so impossible to imagine, you'll take the easy way out, and rather put me in the ever expanding category of racist, than confronting your own cognitive dissonance for a single second.
You even pull up the very spiked version of Hitler as a comparison whom I have no idea why you guys still have a hard on for? Mentioning that name or his ideas are not arguments, you lost cunt.
(Old Spike)
LOL, "the spiked version of Hitler"?
Mentioning you and fullauto in the same context is not as far fetched as it may seem to the (alt) right. At least as far as trump is concerned:
You are still supporting this man when he and his team are spreading nazi symbols as part of their campaign so that it even gets removed from facebook? What is there left to say.......
(Old Spike)
Antifa has also used those symbols, so it makes sense to feature them when you are trying to warn people about them.
Facebook has guidelines. They follow them as they see fit. But their guidelines are not legal nor historic documents to refer to when it comes to context. The law and history books should be used for context.
If you use social media to define reality, you are a lost cause.
(Old Spike)
So "Antifa" is like the same level of sophistication, levelheadedness and extremism (just in opposite directions) as your president. Oh, look, we agree!
(Old Spike)
Antifa is a violent mob for hire, propaganda mercenaries, whose main focus is to convey an exaggerated state of public dissent and a society in disarray.
Their current main objective is to ensure the crime statistics explodes under the Trump administration, so that the Democratic Party and whomever is the Democratic nominee this election or in four years can use it as an argument, and be telling the truth, while leaving out that it was an artifically constructed outcome by the radical Left.
Successfully defunding the police is the road towards that outcome which will mostly hurt the black population.
He won't budge for any of their bullshit, which we now know after four years witnessing it.
Trump is not my leader because I'm still not an American citizen despite mentioning it several times before.
(Old Spike)
"...whose main focus is to convey an exaggerated state of public dissent and a society in disarray."
Seems trump and antifa have the same goals then, that is what he is achieving at the moment anyway.
(Old Spike)
No, the media is doing it by misrepresenting everything he does to the point where it's even hard for conservative voters to figure out what he is actually doing wrong according to conservative ideas, which would lose him votes more effectively than anything MSM has produced so far.
(Old Spike)
Yeah, the fake news media is always the problem, best only listen to OAN...
(Old Spike)
Or rather watch everything you find important or relevant to you, from every source, in its entirety, be critical of all sources, check specifics where details are vague, and don't trust any one source completely. Forming an opinion before at least two of these steps will often leave you disappointed.
Fact-checking websites are a sign of the problem with media, and even they have been proven not being able to avoid the temptation from the same types of biases coming from corporate media.
Ratings, website traffic and ad revenues have been prioritized over objective news coverage for several decades now.
There hasn't been a single sincere attempt to change that in all those years. On the contrary. Outrage is profitable. They find it acceptable to print/post something incorrect that spawns outrage, just to retract it later on, for profit.
The entire internet is inflated in this way because nobody is accountable. It's through public relations and statements written by lawyers they deal with source criticism because they're the most effective at getting away with it.
(Old Spike)
Well at least we can also agree on that....
(Long Spike)
Just to be clear, the black community is not pushed to vandalizing and stealing. There is no reason to LOOT, vandalizing i can understand somewhat.. but after a bad verdict that everyone disagrees with. The people of MI didn't give justice a chance, that is where they are wrong. 90% of the Police are good people, because they are just people, 10% are bound to be corrupt or bad in some way, same as in every job anywhere, except lawyers, where the numbers are flipped.
If you are okay with people looting and rioting, and killing others over the life a 1 person, that many people didn't even have a personal connection to, in a non-racial crime, arrest, murder.. then you are the problem. Too many good people have already lost their lives, for a piece of shit cop and he cowardly companions.
(Old Spike)
At least TRY to comprehend what one is saying before replying.
(Long Spike)
Leave Tucker alone. At least he stopped wearing bowties.
(Long Spike)
I like how they named the new nation after a white person.. way to drop the ball CHAZ