Hilariously horrifying on multiple levels


sato's picture

this isn't as silly as it seems. the whole point of publishing isn't to publish only good papers, it's to publish many papers so that the readers (mostly other scientists) can see them and review them. if BS studies never get published, who's going to disprove the BS contained within? how could they when nobody is aware it exists?

most papers are either badly done or lacking something somewhere, that's the point of publishing them all.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Isn't peer review supposed to stop bullshit papers from being published?

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monkeymania's picture

Now any cockamamie story gets "published" on the internet and anyone who wants to push any narrative can produce a flood of bullshit "studies". We also all know that a pile of bullshit buries a smaller mound of truth every time. "Studies" which are up do date and from well-known, reputable, and knowledgeable sources rather than obscure old info tend to be closer to the truth as it happens, eg., Harvard School of Medicine study(2020) vs Home Dentistry Association of Nigeria study(1990)

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skeptoid's picture

I know how very sad you are, son. I think it's time for a new account - don't you?

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Indeed, and I think there are stats out proving that papers from certain 'disciplines' are cited, on average,  LESS than one time in future publications. i.e. they're basically standalone bullshit. 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

That 12:00-15:00 mark of the video will hit close to home for some. Many will have experienced 'policing offense' either directly or have had this happen to someone close, whether in University or corporate life. Dangerous times, my friends.

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