She went to the wrong church ! In my church her anus would have been saved as would her brother's. Fortunately for me my elder spilled the beans befor the evil reached as far as me. She was not believed (late 1950's) because the christians can do no wrong.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Absolute blanket hatred of all things Christian runs strong with your crew. Yes.
(Long Spike)
She went to the wrong church ! In my church her anus would have been saved as would her brother's. Fortunately for me my elder spilled the beans befor the evil reached as far as me. She was not believed (late 1950's) because the christians can do no wrong.
(Old Spike)
Absolute blanket hatred of all things Christian runs strong with your crew. Yes.
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
All superstitions deserve the same contempt.