Boardwalk Empire was a great show, though I wasn't a huge fan of season 3.
If they ever get a movie, they gotta give Rothstein a proper death. The actor who played him was great, and he got robbed by that time jump at the end.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
He also mentioned Jack Diamond once. But we never saw him. A pity because I feel he would have been a great character.
He was basically like Jimmy, but a little less broken and a bit more outgoing.
The biggest mistake was killing Jimmy too soon. He should have faced off against Gyp and been a season 4 finale finish. I also wanted to see more of Van Alden doing work for Capone. I was hoping eventually he would have teamed up with Richard and rampaged.
(Old Spike)
Boardwalk Empire was a great show, though I wasn't a huge fan of season 3.
If they ever get a movie, they gotta give Rothstein a proper death. The actor who played him was great, and he got robbed by that time jump at the end.
(Old Spike)
He also mentioned Jack Diamond once. But we never saw him. A pity because I feel he would have been a great character.
He was basically like Jimmy, but a little less broken and a bit more outgoing.
The biggest mistake was killing Jimmy too soon. He should have faced off against Gyp and been a season 4 finale finish. I also wanted to see more of Van Alden doing work for Capone. I was hoping eventually he would have teamed up with Richard and rampaged.