Now I am not technophobe by any means and this is by no means meant to be a "tesla bashing" but excessive active driver aids like the autopilot are not a good idea for cars.
People rely on insufficiently tested tech, often using it in a way it wasn't designed for. Also skill leveles required for driving have deteriorated in tha last 30 - 40 years some to an extent that people that have a valid license are actually dangerous. Here in spain you have to take a fitness test in order to get your license renewed, which is a good idea in principle, but so badly implemented that literally only a half blind person will fail.
(4 votes)
(Short Spike)
The AI relies on vast amounts of historic data to determine how to recognize things it "sees" on the road and what to do next. The problem with that is when it sees something unusual that it has never seen before like the "big white block" in the middle of the road that was that tipped-over truck it can't tell what it is or what to do.
Meanwhile the driver was probably texting, watching a video or sleeping.
(Old Spike)
You're analysis cannot be correct because I agree with you.
(Old Spike)
If you agree then because you are a techno- (and science-) phobe rather than anything else (and of course you hate leftist marxist tech companies like tesla), so don't worry about it, it is not really agreeing and your delusions remain intact.
(Old Spike)
Yeah, this is problem with the current design. It has trouble determining between a big white wall and a big chunk of sunlight being reflected onto the road. The system relies on visual analysis to determine the conditions. I don't understand why not just put in some Lidar at least to compliment the visual analysis, if only for this case. Musk is really against Lidar though.
Anyway, even if the accident rate with auto pilot is lower than the average person driving, 1) I am not an average driver, thank you very much and 2) if you know the scenario where it fails, why not avoid it.
So thanks but I'll wait for it to mature in 5-10 years.
(Old Spike)
lidar is really finnicky and extremely expensive. a lot of cars even from 10+ years ago have forward looking radar as part of their cruise control systems, i dunno why tesla doesn't utilise this.
(Old Spike)
This is so dumb.... Seriously are you summarising the human brain is a more capable driver? Don't know where to start...
Are you serious? ... 1 billion drivers in the world, how does that work out?
(Old Spike)
Please, at least try to comprehend my comment......
(Old Spike)
I see what you mean, apologies.... had a few too many.
(Old Spike)
Kudos, mate!

(Long Spike)
This isn't a problem with the car, it is clearly the driver. self-driving has clear rules visible on the display.
This is a guy crashing his Tesla not the other way around.
You are supposed to still be alert / awake, you are supposed to have your hands on the wheel or you get an alert (the hands on the wheel can be disabled, by slipping your wrist through the wheel for weight or adding weight to the wheel to trick it, ie, fruit or ankle weights)
The car tried to stop twice (full lock up) I think it was overridden, there is also a super loud cabin alert that goes off in the car too.
I think this was a driver mistake fully, possibly asleep at the wheel, Tesla tried to break, alerts went off and he woke up and panicked hit the GAS and then the break. or just held the GAS. Tire smoke from these angles are seen twice.
Now the AI arguement can be made here. Tesla has never seen a flipped over truck and didn't know how to react, there is a curve in the road so maybe it can't see the truck head on, Sun may have been near sunset causing the camera to be blind (but that would disable the auto piolet)
My own experiences have me doubting the video fully. the car always errors on the side of caution, which is annoying to me at times especially in the city. A good example is I was being followed closely at dusk before the highway lights come on and the driver behind me didn't have his headlight on yet and was barely visible to me through the rearveiw, so the car could barely see him as well. Tesla started to hit the brakes (unintentional brake check) on the car behind me, with warning sounds of collision. Not ideal for being followed, but again caution. The driver got pissed, shot around me and tried to brake check me, but i have my Tesla set to keep distance of 4 cars, so he didn't effect me, my car just slowed along with his at distance. So yeah, my 2 cents.
(Old Spike)
Well, when they analyse the memory in the car they will see wheter or not it was on autopilot when it crashed......