People are what make a country great and we got em!
Average: 4.1(7 votes)
Pantysoaker (Long Spike)
Spoken like someone who constantly has inflammatory opinions and then is annoyed he gets called out for them
Wow, I'm getting smothered by white knights. I made a point, people made counter-points, now I'm being shouted down? COOL COMMUNITY
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
Annoyed? What are you referencing? I have no idea what point you made. Who cares what gets "said" on the internet? What hurt you about this? It was just funny seeing regular Americans. How are they shouting you down?
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
He does this from time to time. Finds a random sentence or paragraphs and copy-paste em here. Just cause.... I don't know why, fear we will never know why, but there you have it.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Don't you rely entirely on "these people" for the health of your MIC stocks?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
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thegent (Old Spike)
comedy gold ..they are comedians right?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
You go girl! Now this would have been a kick arse cast for ghostbusters, right?
(Long Spike)
Spoken like someone who constantly has inflammatory opinions and then is annoyed he gets called out for them
Wow, I'm getting smothered by white knights. I made a point, people made counter-points, now I'm being shouted down? COOL COMMUNITY
(Long Spike)
Annoyed? What are you referencing? I have no idea what point you made. Who cares what gets "said" on the internet? What hurt you about this? It was just funny seeing regular Americans. How are they shouting you down?
(Old Spike)
He does this from time to time. Finds a random sentence or paragraphs and copy-paste em here. Just cause.... I don't know why, fear we will never know why, but there you have it.
(Old Spike)
Don't you rely entirely on "these people" for the health of your MIC stocks?
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
comedy gold ..they are comedians right?
(Old Spike)
You go girl! Now this would have been a kick arse cast for ghostbusters, right?