Tesla from 212$ to 2050$ a share in 1 year

Pantysoaker's picture

elon r u ok

that an 800% increase in less than a year. if u didnt invest in tesla you are a fucking idiot!

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)


Dagambit's picture

5-1 split on the 31st of August 2020 coming. Get in while you can. Tesla has Internet via satelite, electric company in the making as he is powering grids with tesla batteries, boring company (tunnels), Solar roofing and panelling, oh yeah and they make cars.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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To qualify for the split, investors must own shares in Tesla by August 21st.


Ur better off playing the chinese rip off version of TSLA, NIO

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Pdub's picture

Woohoo!  Just got in.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

if u bought this morning u would allready be up 15% while tesla is down 2%, congrats :D


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