cops shot.


Woodsman's picture

Unreported for not fitting the narrative.

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sato's picture

did someone hit a cop in the head with a brick? can't clearly see.


this is atrocious but then police solidarity behavior has brought it upon all other police, by standing with other officers even when they have clearly broken the law. have people would be much less likely to invoke guilt by association if the officers present at today's shooting had immediately arrested the one who shot the unarmed man who wasn't even involved in the altercation.

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Sempaliscious's picture

Yeah that makes sense. Hit someone else in the head with a brick because they dress the same and do a job. Good thinking. That's why america is fucked because people like you rationalise violence like that. The reckoning is coming and I don't think it'll be the BLM/Antifa people that win. They've yet to see what actual violence is. On every level they will be out-gunned. You think the police and miltary are going to side with BLM/antifa? Civil War 2.0 coming. When Trump wins in november, and he will win, this whole thing goes up in flames.

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skeptoid's picture

It's really hard to watch these people with their phones ruefully celebrating the stoning of other people. We haven't seen this here ever really although they did burn witches but it's been about 2,000 years since the products of our historic culture have engaged in this kind of activity. and when I see mobs like this engaged in this kind of activity and they are all engaged and they are all guilty every single one of them it makes me really sad. Because I see a pile of something. It just hasn't become what it will be yet and it will be awful.

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Needless_Kane's picture

the purge.  lawlessness.  that cop didn't do the crimes and now for trying to make a living he's fcked up bad.

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