White boys think they are a part of BLM, until a rock came at them!


Kingofcroydonia's picture

Whoever rated this one star doesn't understand humor

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n0val33t's picture
front page

I don't care this was fucking hilarious... wtf

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

LOL, "we're on your side". Probably the "thumbs up" looked like a middle finger from the distance. 

On a more serious note: You are not on "their side" if you don't march wirth them but decide beer pong is more important.

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jdt73's picture

On a more seroius note...

You are so woke your mother hates you for not being black.

Time to protest fo' you rights fo' some shoes an a TV fo' freeeeee!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page
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Hisoka's picture

See the source image

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Polski's picture

I left spiked when it became a lefty echo chamber, but I think now might be a good time to return.

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Dannzilla's picture

When was that?


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bannik's picture
Discord user

who the fuck are you?

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stokkebye's picture

The independent voter! The silent majority!

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jdt73's picture

He's a long spike.

Who the fuck are you Bannik - short spike   ... ;)


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bannik's picture
Discord user

Lol I am a member since spiked humour, I have seen the era of grit ram, I witnessed when h3h3 used to post here, I was a creator of content for here...


fear me *cough*

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