Sat, 2017-09-16 09:26 — Pantysoaker Clay Travis stuns CNN host when he says he believes in two things: the First Amendment and Boobs Video of Clay Travis stuns CNN host when he says he believes in two things: the First Amendment and Boobs Boobs > Butt 3.125 Average: 3.1 (8 votes)
(Long Spike)
Dat ain't troo. I've seen some saggy, unhealthy tits.......though I wasn't let down, so to speak, so I may have to concur.
(Old Spike)
yes yes i like boobs to

(Long Spike)
I think all first amendment types need to get their boobs out on social media in support of clay .
(Old Spike)
The first amendment is overrated but boobs on the other hand......