Here in Belgium everything has resumed to normal for a few months now, no hamstering no lockdown you do need to wear a mouthmask wich you can get for free from the apothecary/drugstore, and we do work with contact Bubbles as we call it, it is a mathematical thing where the number of contacts are limited between 4 and 6 ppl
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sato (Old Spike)
same right next door in the neatherlands where they had no mask policy. they actually had much lower convid numbers despite being more densely populated. masks just give everyone the false feeling of safety so they go out more, allowing the virus to spread more. keeps continuing here in japan too. blows the mind how anybody could think this is doing anything.
(Old Spike)
Here in Belgium everything has resumed to normal for a few months now, no hamstering no lockdown you do need to wear a mouthmask wich you can get for free from the apothecary/drugstore, and we do work with contact Bubbles as we call it, it is a mathematical thing where the number of contacts are limited between 4 and 6 ppl
(Old Spike)
same right next door in the neatherlands where they had no mask policy. they actually had much lower convid numbers despite being more densely populated. masks just give everyone the false feeling of safety so they go out more, allowing the virus to spread more. keeps continuing here in japan too. blows the mind how anybody could think this is doing anything.
(Old Spike)
Exactly, it is a false protection