No need to watch further than 1:38! I was just too lazy to search for the raw material.
I admire Fauci really, he has been the only voice of reason and extremely patient when politicians throw scientific terms in the ring when it suits their agenda. Rand is a cunt anyway but isn't his father a doctor and shouldn't he at least ask him for aadvice rather than embarrassing himself like that? Oh wait, daddy has the same agenda now, hasn't he......
(6 votes)
(sounds retarded)
Yeah Fauci should know since he helped to create the Chinavirus!
(Long Spike)
Don't you mean the chinahvirus?
(sounds retarded)
Dude Ive been calling it the Chinavirus before Trump! It came from China.
(Long Spike)
You missed the extra "h" which accentuates the stupidity!
And the apostrophe in "I've"
(sounds retarded)
Naw man you're just stupid!
(Old Spike)
....does not only sound like it!
(sounds retarded)
Admin abuse!
(Long Spike)
Then stop doing it!
(Long Spike)
who's abusing admin?
(Short Spike)
Virus detection and data collection for this "pandemic" have been way too unscientific to call Dr. Fauci an expert in anything besides grifting.