... reviews the Big Bang Theory.
Now one may like this programme or not but this guy really takes it to the limit (berg will like it, I guess) in his review. I also like how he hints at "women quota" and mentions the ridiculous google case.
It is a somewhat hard watch.
(7 votes)
(Old Spike)
At last, someone talking from the other side. I don't agree, but I wanna see more of that
(Long Spike)
But people like seeing others trying to date out of their league. Like the guy from supertroopers who landed Christina Hendricks, only she sought him out and pinned him down.
(Long Spike)
All criticisms of media are irrelevant in terms of seriousness because you're critiquing stuff that isn't real. But it is goddamn interesting.
(Old Spike)
holy fucking crisp i never watched the big bong, but afther seeing this im going to..........when everything in the world has to be right i need me some old fashioned wrong.........
(Old Spike)
A friend of mine posted this video a while back, with the standard, "I knew there were better reasons to not watch this unfunny show" description. I watched all his other friends agree and refer to the "laugh-track being fake, watch this video which proves how bad this show really is". Even though laughtracks are part of 90% of all comedy shows today.
It's still one of the most popular comedy shows on the planet. There's been 10 seasons, soon to be 11. People loved the show when it first appeared. In comparison, Seinfeld had 9 seasons which is fucking crazy based on how predictable it becomes after one season.
Which is why people are criticising The Big Bang Theory. Their formula became predictable because of their overexposure. The show was picked up globally, virtually at the same time because it was described as the next big comedy show, in the spirit of "Friends", where a group of friends live together, but with the twist of being focused on socially awkward nerds whose motivations are science and video games. Which was a genius move, because since the internet became mainstream across the world, so did the gamer culture and all their internal references. It is basically a treasure trove of endless references the writers can base their jokes on.
The "documentary" we're talking about is just another guy making select observations to perpetuate the notion that men rule the world, and are using that power to discriminate against women in broad daylight while hiding behind the excuse of it all being "just jokes".
It makes no mention of why a show about socially awkward nerds is important at all. That American culture has taken a shit on nerds for decades, and the few examples he could find of nerds put in a positive light, are more than three decades old. And of course he highlighted a vague reference to rape in a movie from the fucking 80's(out of fucking nowhere in the start of the video). Because how else could he enforce the image he was painting by socially awkward characters as chauvinistic sex-offenders?
His worst argument is that it is the portrayal of sexual harassment that makes the show unfunny(whose definition of harassment is probably very broad). Which can be easily taken apart, if you just imagine the show without it(or any show for that matter). It wouldn't be funny at all. It wouldn't make sense. It wouldn't be anything. It would remind people of those horrible European "art" movies or even children's television, where nothing makes sense and continuity doesn't matter. Because there wouldn't be any punchlines to take your brain somewhere you didn't expect, yet still recognize. Which is how laughter is produced.
After being constantly inundated with behind the scenes "secrets" that are basic knowledge in show business, and social justice warrior virtue signaling, which consists of a warped perspective analysis of history without proper context nor experience of any subject matter, of course this would happen.
The difference between the Seinfeld show formula and the Big Bang Theory formula are miniscule.
City people punchlines vs Nerdy people punchlines, reference after reference. Protagonist's grand speculation which leads to a big embarrassing mess. Insert obligatory tall and socially rejected character for random comedic relief:
When is Kramer going to burst through that door because he's a spastic mooch without respect for other people's property? When is Sheldon going to say something irresponsible, because he has Asberger's and is bordering on sociopath.
The actual difference is our access to technology. Nobody would give a shit about your theory about a show everyone loved back in the 90's. You actually had to work hard in order for your words to matter to anyone. Today we can order a decent microphone, pirate a video editing suite and steal lots of copyrighted footage. If you put the right footage to the right quote along with the right music you can convince people of fucking anything.
I recall the guy who made this mentioning another part which will come out soon, and I will watch it. I just don't agree with his analysis in this one.
(Old Spike)
Yea, fuck this guy, but his video did remind of the boss music number from Revenge of the Nerds.
(Old Spike)