So looking forward to the november shitshow!


sato's picture

yeah nice distraction from that they litterally got evidence in the form of texts from fbi agents' phones that they made the entire russia thing up just to get trump... even newsweek reported "trump was right"


fbi agents discussed that russia preferred clinton, and when trump won the election they had to scramble because they had nothing, and resorted to erasing clinton's name and writing trump's on the russia report instead. the russians did not hack podesta and assange wasn't lying when he said the wikileaks source wasn't russia, the entire thing was fabricated. they have fbi director (2016-2018) mccabe's personal notes where he wrote that flynn had committed no crime and that they should consider blackmailing him. they have agents commenting about how the entire floor was buying personal liability insurance for when it got out that they were making up the whole trump-russia thing. other agents questioned why they were still going after flynn when it was clear he'd done nothing, and many texted about it being important to "get trump". there was no russia scandal, the fbi manufactured it all.

the fbi was quite clearly corrupt, there's now tangible evidence of it in the form of handwritten notes and texts, yet the media is going on about tax returns and the supreme court? wtf?

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ubershin's picture

...And that won't stop Adam Gayschiff from Commiefornia from creating a new commitee that found new evidence of the contrary. I can't wait for heads to start rolling

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I'll ask again: Any "evidence" that is not a poole video?

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skeptoid's picture

Evidence is fake to you if it's cited in a Pool video - you're hilarious Pool actually dictates from the evidence (I actually find this irritating I would much rather he just post the links in the desc so I don't have to look up myself). But you don't watch the vids, follow the sources, evaluate the evidence and Tim's interpretation of it. For someone who looks forward to things, you sure spend a lot of time blinding half your vision.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

It is not, I also don't expect everybody to blindly believe Oliver, and I don't remember how often I have already explained it to you as you (initially I thought deliberately but now I think your mental condition does not allow you to think this through) don't seem to get it:

I am TOO LAZY to reality check what poole  -what are the other jokers' names, ah yes crowder and alex jones etc etc- say as there is too much bullshit to sift through so I simply challenge anyone providing the opinionforming videos to  put substance to it as there must be viable information on the subject. 


So save yourself from these embarrassing posts and provide some evidence.... lol

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theblackswordsman's picture
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If you're too lazy to fact check your shit then you deserve to be enslaved by the lies you believe.

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skeptoid's picture

You just embarrassed yourself.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

what is it with you people that you seem to have all the information but are reluctant to share? 


If this was available you would have plastered that all over your replies to me, as always you are hillarious!

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sato's picture


at the time the director of the fbi mccabe discussed trump-russia with the senate committee and brought up that there was no case against flynn. they wanted to proceed anyway in order to get trump and since blackmail was "not the strongest theory" they decided to go with setting him up to get him to lie.

these are submitted court documents containing a note handwritten by mccabe which was long kept from flynn's defense team in an attemp to cover up fbi complicity.

the image following this is handwritten notes of agent on the mueller probe discussing said option of trapping flynn into a lie.

for more information here's a 10-minute video where a lawyer goes through this very new evidence submitted by flynn's lawyers. he just goes through the facts submitted, no opinion.


Viva Frei on Twitter: "I am reviewing @SidneyPowell1 3rd supplemental brief  and trying to make sense of this section. What does this mean? Is it  proposing to blackmail @genflynn? Or suggesting thatMemos show FBI discussed getting Michael Flynn 'to lie, so we can prosecute  or get him fired' | Daily Mail Online

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sato's picture

what got nothing to say about the evidence so you figure a downvote somehow makes it worth less?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

downvote wasn't from me haven't watched it yet. Since when are you such a snowflake regarding votes, you sound like the biastoid.

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skeptoid's picture

Don't respond to him when he embarrasses himself. You don't owe this poor old man anything - if you do the work to educate his lazy ass he just sidesteps like he did above. He's not interested - even when he says he is, he isn't. 


So don't waste your time.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page



This is the actual letter, compared to all the other shit going on I would class this as "normal, light" murrican politics, like it or not........


If there is something to it it will be investigated (unless Biden wins, I guess). 



This whole issue just is proof that snowflakes are snowflakes regardless whether they reside on the far (alt) right or far left end of the political spectrum.

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stokkebye's picture

All I hear is crying and whining! CRY BABY BITCHES CRY BABY BITCHES EVERYWHERE COM | Cry-Baby Meme on ME.ME

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

listening to yourself again?

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stokkebye's picture

Cant you see the writing on the wall? The pendulum is swinging back the other way! For years now we have had to endure listening to crybabies on the left and watch them get their way. SJW's telling us what to think and what we can and cannot say, Feminist telling white males their pieces of shit, leftist telling white people they should be ashamed to be white, PC culture ruining our movies and video games, Left leaning big tech censoring us, lame stream media shoveling bullshit down our throats suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. All the while ignoring the horrible shit going on on their side and the politicians fucking them over and creating wars at the same time saying they are for peace. People are saying enough is enough and pushing back. Pansies like yourself are being outnumbered and out maneuvered, people are telling you to shut the fuck up already and leave us alone! Trump will be re-elected, the SCOTUS will be right leaning conservative for decades. People like you did not know when to quit and stop pushing your bullshit and now you reap what yu have sown! So stop your fucking crying and deal with it! Its happening and their aint shit you can do about it!

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stokkebye's picture


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

"We affirm as infallible all teachings of Scripture. We believe in one God who exists eternally in three persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We affirm that a person is saved only by faith, through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ at the cross."



you run with them?

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stokkebye's picture

Oh yeah dude, we've been "running" together! LOL. I dont care who says what, if it makes sense, is true and accurate, is something I agree with, Im going to post it. So anyone who posts E=Mc2 must run with the Jews and believe in Judaism now? Awesome logic! Good job! 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

einstein was agnostic. he didn't "believe in Judaism". Awesome logic! Good job!


there was some logic behind what i posted. i was going to get you to relate that you don't agree with everything they say and use that to draw comparisons to the text in the pic you posted, but i made the mistake of gauging your intelligence to perceive it. got to use pictures for some people.

pretty accurate, true, makes sense, i agree with it in your case

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Seamonkey89's picture

No matter what, they're going to say Trump cheated. No matter what they talk shit about Trump. No matter what, Biden will no concede. 

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Seamonkey89's picture

Trump 2020

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subroutine's picture
front page

spiked has become a magnet for trumptards. what an epic shitshow :)

lets hope for 4 more years of trump (or maybe more ^^) just for entertainment purposes. at least i can say i saw a worldpower degenerate and disintegrate in my lifetime. keep on trucking proud bois

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Couldn't agree more!

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skeptoid's picture

Comment thread contains comments from two Trump supporters - site has about 4 or 5 regulars in total. You and your sad crew have been saying exactly what you wrote above for over 5 years now. Don't you get tired of it? 


Anyway, which one of you is going to take over for MonkeyMania?

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Violetninja420's picture
Beta Tester

I very much regret logging in.

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skeptoid's picture

Hurrah! Hey any chance you can get Grothesk to come back? I miss Jane.

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stokkebye's picture
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