masks, still an issue

sal9000's picture

Trader Joes Hates Freedom.

if this was nazi germany we could put them on trains, send them to a camp and say bye bye.

Average: 2.6 (5 votes)


stokkebye's picture

If he just said he was with BLM he could've walked out without paying for anything, police would have backed down and have been cheered by Piglosi!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Films himself breaking the store rules and stealing. Thinks he is an intelligent person. Figures.

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skeptoid's picture

I don't understand the comment in the description. First of all I would never support putting these unfortunate covid authoritarians on trains but what I don't understand is where a grassroots population fighting fascist mass murderers would even get trains or have the infrastructure to create a track system to move fascists around the country it doesn't make sense. No more likely it's going to be like Vietnam.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

well. the part about sending them on trains to camps is a Bruno quote. then you get these people in america that complain about being asked to do the very simpliest thing so they compare usa to nazi germany,  what i'm saying is that if this was nazi germany, we could totally round these people up and send them to camps

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skeptoid's picture

"All these people in America" complaining about having to wear a mask (I would refuse a mandatory mask law requiring people to wear them outdoors - that's my line) tend to be portrayed as right-leaning. They are just beginning to take advantage of the joys of calling people and things Nazis - the left-wing folks who are driving the economic collapse and public hysteria over a virus ten times less deadly than the common flu have many recent years of experience labeling things and people Nazi. I suppose if this were Nazi Germany....oh, wait, no that doesn't work because they are also the folks in power mandating all of the laws. Shit the analogy doesn't work.


Oh, here we go - let's say a municipality announces that no one can leave, everyone must wear a "whatever it is at this point" and refusal to comply makes one a "enemy of the people and state". That municipality could commission a concentration camp to which they could send citizens who refuse to comply. That sort of works.


Oh, shit, and one last thing - they aren't being asked are they? If it's an ask and the response is "fuckin' nazi germany" then that person is a fool. If it's a mandate with penalty they start to have a point. My line is mandatory masks outdoors - hasn't come here yet, so I'm good so far, Doesn't change the fact that I've pretty much decided at this point that this entire thing has been nothing more than a gigantic rooster illusion.

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