The difference in attitude from the town hall "moderators" was absolutely disgusting! Trumps was hostile and Bidens was softball but with the moderator swinging the bat for him! Major scandal bombshell and no mention at all! Completely corrupt!
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
They've gone completely naked - the question is are they unaware or aware that they are naked. If the moderators conducting themsevles at the NBC townhall genuinely believe they are being fair, informed and objective then they are seriously, seriously mentally ill. If they know how they appear and what it means, they are extremely compromised individuals - I hesitate to say "evil" but we're barreling head-first to a place where I won't be able to avoid using that adjective any longer.
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boldfart (Long Spike)
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Follow your nose.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
^ this comment is underrated
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JTrillo (Short Spike)
Look at this fucking snowflake right here, "ohhh why were they so mean to President Trump, why won't they be nice to him waaaaaaaaahhh".
Maybe the fucking pussy should have not got caught covid so he could face Biden face to face.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Seek medical help for that Trump Derangement Syndrome! SOmethign that will make your balls drop since you turned into a pussy!
(sounds retarded)
The difference in attitude from the town hall "moderators" was absolutely disgusting! Trumps was hostile and Bidens was softball but with the moderator swinging the bat for him! Major scandal bombshell and no mention at all! Completely corrupt!
(Old Spike)
They've gone completely naked - the question is are they unaware or aware that they are naked. If the moderators conducting themsevles at the NBC townhall genuinely believe they are being fair, informed and objective then they are seriously, seriously mentally ill. If they know how they appear and what it means, they are extremely compromised individuals - I hesitate to say "evil" but we're barreling head-first to a place where I won't be able to avoid using that adjective any longer.
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Follow your nose.
(Long Spike)
^ this comment is underrated
(Short Spike)
Look at this fucking snowflake right here, "ohhh why were they so mean to President Trump, why won't they be nice to him waaaaaaaaahhh".
Maybe the fucking pussy should have not got caught covid so he could face Biden face to face.
(sounds retarded)
Seek medical help for that Trump Derangement Syndrome! SOmethign that will make your balls drop since you turned into a pussy!