Hurry up elections be done with all this horse shit.
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StraitJackett (Old Spike)
Uhh, I believe that Biden is referring to Trump in this case. I find your lack of context...disturbing.
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phanto (Short Spike)
I've watched the whole debate. This is absolutely taken out of context. It was a response to Trump who claimed to be the one who has "done the most for black people since Abraham Lincoln."
*edit* Who the fuck downvotes this? I just stated a goddamn fact.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
I guess it was one of those 'alternative facts' they talk about on Fox News. Have my upvote, sir.
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ubershin (Old Spike)
to be a tad more nitpicky around here, that's exactly how it feels when every single day the lamestream media takes trump out of context on just about 100% of everything he says. It's literally just the same thing done unto yeh...the biases exist but one side has more support in media than the other....back to regular programming....
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Whoever it was, I'm sure they are very fine people.
(Old Spike)
Hurry up elections be done with all this horse shit.
(Old Spike)
Uhh, I believe that Biden is referring to Trump in this case. I find your lack of context...disturbing.
(Short Spike)
I've watched the whole debate. This is absolutely taken out of context. It was a response to Trump who claimed to be the one who has "done the most for black people since Abraham Lincoln."
*edit* Who the fuck downvotes this? I just stated a goddamn fact.
(Site Administrator)
I guess it was one of those 'alternative facts' they talk about on Fox News. Have my upvote, sir.
(Old Spike)
to be a tad more nitpicky around here, that's exactly how it feels when every single day the lamestream media takes trump out of context on just about 100% of everything he says. It's literally just the same thing done unto yeh...the biases exist but one side has more support in media than the other....back to regular programming....
(Old Spike)
Whoever it was, I'm sure they are very fine people.