Trump was more prepared this time. I don't know what's going to happen on election night, but I do know that anything short of a Trump landslide likely means long term violence and suffering. A Trump landslide will give us some short term pain as we clean up what remains of the war mongering neo-lib-cons and their proxies flame out in violent outbursts.
Anything close pretty much means civil war, whatever that will look like in America/Canada in 2020. You'll see state actors arresting federal actors and vice-versa, exponential rise is vigilantism, urban mobs attacking small rural communities, rural militias making runs into cities, spectacle violence on live TV, and so much more.
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Raining Blood (Long Spike)
civil war? is that what p diddy says?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
No that's what I say - I've been worried about this since 1989, and what's surreal for me is that it's accelerating just as I hoped it wouldn't at the time I figured it would. You follow that lol?
It'll probably be called "unrest" for a while until everyone realizes what they're into.
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Raining Blood (Long Spike)
then call it unrest. the last civil war, 618,222 people died during the last civil war and thats with a pop of 31 million.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I won't be calling it unrest - those in denial will be doing that. What happened in Iraq post-invasion 2003 was a civil war - it'll look more like that or like Israel during the intifadas or any number of examples other than "the last US civil war", which would be the very last thing anyone would want to use as their measuring stick for whether what's about to happen over the next few months can be considered a civil war.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
civil war is war, its not stores getting looted and a black trump supporter getting punched.
post 2003 iraq invasion, which civil war? the one in 2006-2009 with over 70k civilian deaths(not counting military) or the civil war in 2013 with over 165k deaths?
the intifads were not civil wars and probably a bad example to bring in. to palestinians at the time it meant "aggressive nonviolent resistance". 2 intifads, 11 years of it and 6300 deaths(3/4 of them are pals)
both of the above examples are also a government vs x
heres a few examples of other civil wars, rwandan civil war, its got a genocide that had a million or more dead in 100 days. ugandan civil war with upwards of 500k dead. somalian civil war with another 500k dead. angola civil war with close to a million dead.
so, how does your civil war compare to other civil wars?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
It would be a mistake to compare the American version of a modern civil war to any other modern civil war in history in terms of predicting, with 100% accuracy, what it will look like.
"civil war is war, its not stores getting looted and a black trump supporter getting punched."
We both agree on this - point? I gave a description of what I would consider civil war - here it is again, with elaboration:
We'll see state actors arresting federal actors and vice-versa, exponential rise in vigilantism from multiple perspectives, mass-shootings reaching the mentally ill barrier, urban mobs attacking small rural communities, rural militias making runs into cities, spectacle violence on live TV, bombings, spectacle public executions, murder and mass-murder without arrest or trial.
I would predict if this emerges for some time a sizable faction of the media will try to call it "unrest" until a sufficient number of them have been directly impacted to the point where they admit it's civil war.
I hope you don't think civil war means handing out muskets on the corner lol. It wouldn't surprise me if the casualties are somewhere between 75K and 200000.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Oh I so hope Biden wins by a small margin. We would be seriously entertained for months to come.
(Long Spike)
52 second intro, is he making a rap video?
(Old Spike)
Trump was more prepared this time. I don't know what's going to happen on election night, but I do know that anything short of a Trump landslide likely means long term violence and suffering. A Trump landslide will give us some short term pain as we clean up what remains of the war mongering neo-lib-cons and their proxies flame out in violent outbursts.
Anything close pretty much means civil war, whatever that will look like in America/Canada in 2020. You'll see state actors arresting federal actors and vice-versa, exponential rise is vigilantism, urban mobs attacking small rural communities, rural militias making runs into cities, spectacle violence on live TV, and so much more.
(Long Spike)
civil war? is that what p diddy says?
(Old Spike)
No that's what I say - I've been worried about this since 1989, and what's surreal for me is that it's accelerating just as I hoped it wouldn't at the time I figured it would. You follow that lol?
It'll probably be called "unrest" for a while until everyone realizes what they're into.
(Long Spike)
then call it unrest. the last civil war, 618,222 people died during the last civil war and thats with a pop of 31 million.
(Old Spike)
I won't be calling it unrest - those in denial will be doing that. What happened in Iraq post-invasion 2003 was a civil war - it'll look more like that or like Israel during the intifadas or any number of examples other than "the last US civil war", which would be the very last thing anyone would want to use as their measuring stick for whether what's about to happen over the next few months can be considered a civil war.
(Old Spike)
civil war is war, its not stores getting looted and a black trump supporter getting punched.
post 2003 iraq invasion, which civil war? the one in 2006-2009 with over 70k civilian deaths(not counting military) or the civil war in 2013 with over 165k deaths?
the intifads were not civil wars and probably a bad example to bring in. to palestinians at the time it meant "aggressive nonviolent resistance". 2 intifads, 11 years of it and 6300 deaths(3/4 of them are pals)
both of the above examples are also a government vs x
heres a few examples of other civil wars, rwandan civil war, its got a genocide that had a million or more dead in 100 days. ugandan civil war with upwards of 500k dead. somalian civil war with another 500k dead. angola civil war with close to a million dead.
so, how does your civil war compare to other civil wars?
(Old Spike)
It would be a mistake to compare the American version of a modern civil war to any other modern civil war in history in terms of predicting, with 100% accuracy, what it will look like.
"civil war is war, its not stores getting looted and a black trump supporter getting punched."
We both agree on this - point? I gave a description of what I would consider civil war - here it is again, with elaboration:
We'll see state actors arresting federal actors and vice-versa, exponential rise in vigilantism from multiple perspectives, mass-shootings reaching the mentally ill barrier, urban mobs attacking small rural communities, rural militias making runs into cities, spectacle violence on live TV, bombings, spectacle public executions, murder and mass-murder without arrest or trial.
I would predict if this emerges for some time a sizable faction of the media will try to call it "unrest" until a sufficient number of them have been directly impacted to the point where they admit it's civil war.
I hope you don't think civil war means handing out muskets on the corner lol. It wouldn't surprise me if the casualties are somewhere between 75K and 200000.
(Old Spike)
Oh I so hope Biden wins by a small margin. We would be seriously entertained for months to come.
(Long Spike)
Trump forgot to bring his accordian