Trumptards may belive the people smuggled across the border are controlled by small furry quadropeds, however,,,,
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Thank you for being who you are, Boldfart.
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Know what's funny?
The left spends all their time and effort raging againgst us "nazi's" on this site, yet not a peep from them when Pantysoaker calls black people n*ggers and openly insinuates he's into pedophelia.
Get fucked you weirdos. Trump 2024 !!
boldfart, it was the looney left that thought it was actual coyotes carrying the kids over.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Poster claims to reject mainstream media but loves to post fox news content.
Get help! Seriously, you are in depsperate need!
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I "love to post fox news content"?
Make sure you have someone to help you up and down the stairs. Also wear a mask at all times. Ask your niece to come help you and explain to her what a coyote is FFS lol.
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
Trumptards may belive the people smuggled across the border are controlled by small furry quadropeds, however,,,,
(Old Spike)
Thank you for being who you are, Boldfart.
(Long Spike)
Know what's funny?
The left spends all their time and effort raging againgst us "nazi's" on this site, yet not a peep from them when Pantysoaker calls black people n*ggers and openly insinuates he's into pedophelia.
Get fucked you weirdos. Trump 2024 !!
boldfart, it was the looney left that thought it was actual coyotes carrying the kids over.
(Old Spike)
Poster claims to reject mainstream media but loves to post fox news content.
Get help! Seriously, you are in depsperate need!
(Old Spike)
I "love to post fox news content"?
Make sure you have someone to help you up and down the stairs. Also wear a mask at all times. Ask your niece to come help you and explain to her what a coyote is FFS lol.