Some name calling.

daftcunt's picture

Rescue Me - Name calling

Gotta rewatch Rescue me!

Average: 4 (2 votes)


stokkebye's picture

Thats rich coming from the likes of you!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You don't get the difference between banter between peers or colleagues and trying (and of course failing) to have an educated conversation with human garbage like yourself? Figures.


Considering trump is your hero you probably don't get the difference between real life and a comedy programme.

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stokkebye's picture

Dude, you're a lefty looney! People like you want to censor people and tell them what they can and cannot say, that is the MO of the left! The left tries to cancel shows like this! Trump is the anti-PC hero we need right now to push back against the cancel culture of the leftwingnuts!


Trump speaks off the cuff and calls people out WHICH is fucking awesome and refreshing. Becuase of this people think he is a bigot and misogynistic, racist, etc... Trump fucking talks like the people from your video but pansies like you get your panties in a bunch and scream Orange Man Bad! 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah, keep on telling yourself that, no need to google gaslighting for you.

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