that's what some of the court stuff was about. they never kicked anybody out. they always had them, just 20 feet away.
(2 votes)
that's what some of the court stuff was about. they never kicked anybody out. they always had them, just 20 feet away.
(Old Spike)
Every state that did this to ANY official observers for even 30 seconds should recount.
Excuse me, you're in my covid bubble. You're putting my life in danger.
You're excused. My job is to protect the people's faith in our democracy which is worth more than every life and their families in this building. If you really feel unsafe, you may get tested and isolate from your loved ones when we are done here. You are worried about your life, we are worried about the country. Time to prove your patriotism.
(Old Spike)
6 feets not close enough, observers should be able to rest there chin on the counters shoulder as they watch.
its the only way the rightous right can be confident in the count because the liberal left keeps stopping plots for shootings.
(Old Spike)
What is important is that there is no room for doubt.
ANY denials or changes of Official oversight (6 feet is a change) whatsoever creates doubt by default.
Doubt must be rectified.
If I was counting I would be completely open and honest and allow all officials to be as close to the vote ballot as THEY deem fit.
My risk of viral exposure is secondary.
Red or Blue. They ask, they get.
There should not have been a single complication or problem with counting if those chosen to protect democracy were not impeded in any way.
(Old Spike)
not good enough. the feds leave it up to the individual states to do it the way they decide. theres obviously nothing wrong with trump votes. so those who voted democrate should have there home information passed on to right wing militias so they go visit the voter and confirm there vote.
(Old Spike)
Maybe there is plenty wrong with Trump votes.
If Trump was winning Biden supporters would be declaring fraud under the lack of transparency.
This isn't about who gets in office.
This is about how.
Everyone needs this transparency before we can trust each other again.
As for Trump Militants that are acting out and attempting to seize control. They aren't helping their cause doing this.
They don't see that despite what "the chart" says nothing is Decided until December, and we are going to experience how many levels we can go to declare a winner. At the bottom is not ideal. As that weakens faith in democracy as well.
(Old Spike)
this is all about who gets into office.
the voting system is transparent.
usually someone concedes at a certain point. pa was one of the last states to declare, neveda an hour before during the last election. depending on which states declare first. it might make these states pointless so someone gives up.
vote registration and tracking is so good they know exactly where the remainder of the votes are coming from and the percentages of who they will favor. pa's like 92 for biden for every 1 for trump because they come from philly and pitsburg. democratic cities. the votes in ga are coming from atlanta and savanah, democratic cities, at 72 so for biden for every 1 for trump. the votes in nevada are coming from las vegas, a democratic city. don't know the percentage of that one.
(Old Spike)
If it's so transparent, then what do we even need observers for? Just decoration? I think not.
(Old Spike)
they always had them
make shit up to get it to fit the narative
(Old Spike)
Great. Then not one single observer should have been obstructed period.
Recount every branch that forced them 6 feet away. If the counts come out the same, then that's the result.
Every vote must be counted PROPERLY.
Here is a question. How many times was everything hand counted before officially called? More than twice with the same number showing up I hope.
(Old Spike)
sure, but if they started at 25 feet away and it only became an issue when biden started to catch up and take the lead. do we double check all the votes prior to that? do we then double check all the votes in areas that trump won by a landslide? i'm guessing that the 25 foot thing was probably a standard across the states and wasn't an issue in those states because of who was winning.
(Old Spike)
Total recount from zero for all branches that impeded any observers from seeing the counts as close as they deemed fit. RED state or BLUE state.
It should have been a felony to obstruct them in the first place.
If the branches take this into their own hands, they can stop SCOTUS from stealing the election from the Blues.
A court win is not the people's win.
Better to spend until december if need be recounting. Your counts before claimed as official should be the exact same no less than 3 times in a row 3 seperate sets of hands.
Any counting inconsistencies and you start from 1st count again.
EVERY VOTE, in Biden's own words.
(Old Spike)
lol, trump would have to pay for re-counting. atm he can't even pay his campaign debt.
(Old Spike)
Oh boy this is part of what I was hoping for. we do know how funny butthurt supporters can be but this "event" is going to bring shit up several levels.
Congratulations, new high score guaranteed!