Gonna Miss This Girl


sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

fox news version was better

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah, I heard this earlier and was hosing myself. I wonder when trumptards will realise this is "their" newschannel, but they still be like:

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stokkebye's picture

Look whose side Fox news takes! Biden's, the corporatist, Mr Wall Street, the same fucker we protested for bailing out the big banks and Wall Street back in 2008, the same fucker that voted for the Iraq war, dropped more bombs then any other presidency, prosecuted more whistleblowers then any other. So congratulations on picking the unifying candidate, unifier of the establishment, Wall Street, Military industrial complex, etc...! The very night Biden announced his bid for presidency what happened? Oh thats right, he had a private fundraiser at the Comcast CEO's house with all the big communications giants. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Again this is getting better by the minute. Suddenly faux news and the new york post are leftist marxist when in fact afew years back they couldn't let a single day go by without criticising Owbarmer.

Suddenly his extended arm is their darling? 


One really is forced to think you people are seriously mentally challenged!

Like him:

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

what is up with the lies,

-They want full ID on every vote, i think they got that with mail in ballots and it is illegal it breaks in the privacy laws

- 1:01 Republicans want every vote to be counted?


Pennsylvania is playing the game, they lured out lawsuits that can not be found right as the final dagger in the republic party's heart, (if you want someone to freak out, be secretive even if it is not necessary) they will go batshit crazy and make a fool of themselves.


At the end of the video they ask why they werent allowed to watch the count - saying so, they admit to have 0 evidence just by the fact that they were not let in, and can't see the trap of circus they are about to step in.


Securing democrats to be elected for decades to come, because the other party just comes of as a little crazy

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

There was actually plenty of international supervision on these votes.........

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stokkebye's picture

"-They want full ID on every vote, i think they got that with mail in ballots and it is illegal it breaks in the privacy laws"

What are you talking about? A lot of ballots were sent out UNSOLICATED. No id is needed to request ballots in many states and in others they sent them out automatically.

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ubershin's picture

I think we should rename the position of 'chairwoman' and 'chairman' to just 'chairperson' obv

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