Prejudice where there is no prejudice

sato's picture

Reduction in Racism Leads People to See More Racism (from Livestream #52)

Makes a ton of sense. It has already been established that happiness isn't dependent on how you're doing but how you're doing compared to your neighbors, so to me this seems to be a part of that same psychology.

Average: 2.8 (5 votes)


boldfart's picture

I thought this was common knoweledge.

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skeptoid's picture

Delusion is common.

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sato's picture

common belief maybe but it only recently became knowledge.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

.....or despite some reduction is racism people still see it more because they are more sensitised. Unless, of course, we have a far right wing agenda.

We got smarter on racism or prejudice that's why we see it more. This does not take away the fact that some shit people like to portray as racism really isn't.


Also in other senses we got dumber......



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skeptoid's picture

So you can see more racism because you are dumb. I buy that.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You really need to work on your wit and the efficiency of your insults.

Maybe you try including engaging in sexual intercourse with my mum or my dad, depending of your sexual orientation, but you probably never tried neither so you wouldn't really know (and no your "lesser" hand does not count even if you call "her" Mary and she's as tight as a virgin). 

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skeptoid's picture

Your penchant for vulgarity is the sign of a simple and shallow mind. I was just following your logic.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

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skeptoid's picture

This is what you do when you have nothing. 


You just admitted that the greatest generation was more intelligent than you are. I don't even agree with that.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Ooooh boy, that burned so hard I have to go and put a jumper on.

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sato's picture

that's a hypothesis, but no what they found was not that. people would not become more sensitive and start seeing the thing in places they hadn't previously, but instead would redefine what the thing even was.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Maybe due to more knowledge and increased sensitivithy they would "redefine what the thing even was."


It is like educating kids or animals, years back we understood beating them was the way to go, now we know better.....


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