daftcunt's picture


No vid or sound, you have to read!


By the looks of it Alabama also goes to Biden. So not only did orange boy lose to the "worst" candidate in history but also not only by a landslide (which we know since the last election to be the new expression for "by the skin of their teeth") but by a tsunami.


The deniers be like...

...and laugh like...


Thanks orange boy and his tards for all the comedy!

Average: 2.8 (14 votes)


stokkebye's picture

Ah yes, from the same people that claimed Russian interference for 4 years "stole" the election from sHillary and claimed "overwhelming" evidence to impeach Trump but never found any. The same people who have been screaming "OrangeManBad" for the past four years are now saying Trump is wrong for the millionth time, and this is "news" to you? The propaganda machine is in full swing now!

Sheep GIFs | Tenor

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

This article doesn't mean anything. The democrates panicking does. Pre emptively calling a Trump overturn a Coup in case he uses a CONSTITUTIONAL process to claim his victory.


Just trying to knee cap his presidency if he wins is all.


If I was Biden I would be jumping out of my skin right now. That sweet presidency so close he can taste it. But it's just not quite there yet.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah, it's a C-O-N-S-P-I-R-A-C-Y!



Boy some people are going to be disappointed!

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warriorcookie's picture

Is it too late to bring back no Trump November?  Biden too...

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

oh come on, it's hillarious!

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skeptoid's picture

Who is the audience for your repeated posting of that creepy guy in the blue suit laughing like the devil? How do you imagine the audience you imagine reacting to the repeated posting of the weird guy?


So far, non of the primary legal suits initiated by Trump's legal team have claimed voter fraud as the justification for the legal action. Those who do not understand why this is the case do not understand the merit of the primary cases put forward. The likelyhood of these cases overturning the results for Trump is low, but it doesn't hinge on proving voter fraud. Most of them have to do with impropriety. 


You are the audience for articles like this - that's not a compliment.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You are actually. Your (and your peers') rather butthurt and brainless reactions to my silly little posts and comments provide me with entertainment. This is what the site is for after all.


And I apolgise again I shouldn't laugh about you because you desperately need help. But hey, I told you often enough do with it what you like.

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skeptoid's picture

Ah, that's what I was wondering. I don't even know who that guy is - I would suspect the vast majority, if not all, don't either. Has it occured to you that when you post things like that the only audience you're reaching is yourself, and those who have been traumatized by persons who wear the skin-suit of a Christian (like Sal and his SO), and that they are - all of them - churning in a vacuum that only reveals to the actual audience that the only audience relevant to this subject matter are completely, and totally, owned by that weird guy in the suit, reliving their trauma every day, every hour, every minute, allowing those who wore the skin-suit of a Christian to own them, completely, every hour, every minute, of every day? Has that occured to you? I'm guessing not.


I just thought I'd clear this up for you. The only audience for this subject matter that you *think* is triggering is yourself. How does that make you feel?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

if it were you and the others would be able to ignore it........

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