Ballots in Michigan Counted Twice


stokkebye's picture

She must be racist! She aint black! 


Wayne County GOP members rescind votes to certify election, claim Dems 'bullied' them 'The comments made accusations of racism and threatened me and members of my family'


Trump campaign lawyer under protection following ‘threats of harm’One of President Trump’s campaign lawyers in Pennsylvania was placed under official protection following threats against her, according to court papers filed Wednesday evening.


Imagine getting caught cheating on a test in school, instead of being punished you start beating her up saying she is racist for saying you cheated. Then she apologizes and gives you an A+ on the test. What fun! 


The left have become a bunch of coddled babies, protected from reality by the lame stream media so they dont throw a temper tantrum: 

CNN- Angry citizens criticize election officials until they certify results

Republican members of Michigan's Wayne County Board of Canvassers reversed their vote to certify election results after being criticized for hours by citizens who attended the public meeting.


Fox- 'The comments made accusations of racism and threatened me and members of my family'

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boldfart's picture

Trump was urging his sheeple to vote twice. Then this, wow what can you believe!

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