Driving while black

sal9000's picture

Driving while black

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stokkebye's picture

 Ive been harassed by cops many times for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and didnt look rich/preppy enough. Try driving a beat up work truck around a rich neighborhood doing work on the houses, had cops show up about %90 of the time. Or riding a bicycle through the suburbs because your vehicle broke down after getting out of work at 1 am, trying to get up to your girlfriends house. Came pretty close to getting beat up by the cops for that one. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

try being black

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ubershin's picture

by trying do you mean wiggering or

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stokkebye's picture

After getting thrown into a drunk tank and beat up by the cops at 16 I learned that mouthing off to the cops doesnt quite work out that well. Listen to this guy again, "Whatchya want? Whatchya want man?" Im a fucking white dude and I know enough not to talk to cops like this at the start, I wait till after I got my ticket and I got my phone out recording them(LOL). They have the guns and power, YOU DONT! I've had guns drawn on me for out of date registration, been falsly charged more times than I can remember, Im not a kiss ass and I tell cops to go fuck themselves when I have to, but more times than not I see these videos where black dudes act like assholes to the cops and act surprised when the cops are assholes back. Its a bit different here in NY though, its an equal opportunity harassment police state, doesnt matter what skin color you got, what matters is how much money you got! Some black dude in a hoodie tried mugging me once, fought him off then ran into the store to get a bottle to smash over his head in case he came in the store, when the cops found out I lived a block away in the ghetto they thought about charging me for "stealing" the beer, nevermind the black dude robbing people at gunpoint.   


A long time ago I had a vending machine business, I was using my beat up work truck to fill them, one of the machines were in a used car lot down the street from a Walmart and other businesses, really busy area with hundreds of stores all around and thousands of vehicles. I had a cop pull in after me, made me wait in my truck while he called the dispatcher asking to repeat the vehicle description for a larceny at the nearby Walmart. They said it was a silver truck with a white cap, I had a black truck with no cap, and even after being told that, showing the cop I had a bed full of soda can boxes and the fucking owners asking the cop what was going on, he still wanted to run my shit till I told him to go fuck himself. Shit happens, I get it, wrong place wrong time, profile and whatnot, I put up with it until all is cleared and then I tell them to fuck off, but if I had an attitude like this guy, that cop would have put me through the ringer and the shop owner would have told me to get my machine out. Pick your battles. 


Spent some time up in Quebec a few years ago, fuckers would not even talk to you if you were speaking English! I was at a fucking Rainbow gathering, supposed to be peace and love and hippies, some asshole wanted to fight me because I wouldnt speak French in "his territory", and I was trying to help show him how to wash dishware thinking he was asking about how to do it., this world is filled with assholes!

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

try being black

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stokkebye's picture

You are missing my point. Its common sense policing(and human nature) if there's crime going on you profile the people who commit the most crimes in a given area. Ive gotten harassed by cops for drivin with hippies, ive been told to gtfo of "their town" because we dont fit in, more times then I can count. A lot of white people commit crimes up here in my home city but if its the ghetto they gonna stop the cars with black people lookin like thugs or driving shitty ass cars just as they would out in the boonies with redneck white trash folks. If its an all white neighborhood with burglaries and one black dude "jogging" away from the house being broken into, you dont have to be a fucking rocket scientist to figure that one out. 

Even if you are in a rich black neighborhood, if your drivin around in a peice of shit beat up vehicle, your probably gonna get harassed by the cops, its their fucking job!

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stokkebye's picture

When you just make it about a race issue you are giving the government an easy way out, just like BLM, they get to hire a few black cops and have them violate our rights, or they will have some "diversity" training and all will be good in their books. If you make it about our constitutional rights, then you force them to change their policies and maybe change the legislation. Just like starting a "war on terror" is fighting a ghost enemy that will never be defeated, what you want is to tackle the root of the problem. This video should be titled, cop violates my constitutional right to be free from unwarranted seizers! 

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