kid asks santa for nerf gun


stokkebye's picture

Stupid mutherfucker! This kind of shit really pisses me off! I wouldve been on the news for beating up santa for sure! My 6 yr old daughter loves shooting her .22 and here this pos tells a boy he cant have a fucking nerf gun from santa! That goddamn pussy ass mother should have told that fucker off! 

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Dagambit's picture

I would have just been really loud and been like " Look he isn't the real Santa, this guy is liar! " 

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stokkebye's picture

LOL, Right! And open all the fake empty presents yelling "LIES ALL LIES"!

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Santa with a no gun policy while they advertise nothing but toy guns on tv, what a dipshit

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Pdub's picture

Bless that Santa.  Breaking down a little shit who is being taught to be a killer with fun guns by the media. 

Maybe a lego set so he can start building and one day become an architect? 

A beginners art set so he can learn to draw and paint his favourite scenes, cartoons and characters to become an artist?

Books about growing plants to support breathing and food? Or programming to protect his data while selling ours? Health and fitness so he doesn't become a fat ass?



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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Or a nerf gun, because that's what the kid wants. How blessed that the thing the kid wants most is a 30 dollar nerf gun, instead of a 160 page thesis amounting to tens of thousands of dollars.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Or just a killer to join the army

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

You don't actually believe that.

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stokkebye's picture

Those fregin lego sets are too damn expensive! I was going to get my neice some little lego set for christmas and the fucker was $70! I'll get her a nerf gun so she can shot her brother! LOL


Godamn, should buy some lego stock! 


When I was that kids age my friends and I were shooting eachother with BB guns and when we ran out of BB's we'd through rocks at eachother like fucking cavemen. Boys will be boys. 

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norcimo5's picture

Look, not everything has to be fucking goddamn fucking political here. 


That being said, this kid should get a TON of nerf guns from some good kinded peeps.


Merry Xmas kiddo!

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