I forgot that it's about government control! Aaaah fuck off!
Average: 4.5(8 votes)
theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
Re-infection = 4 cases worldwide. 4! not 4%, not 4,000 just FOUR and they weren't really sure they had it the first time as they didn't have symptoms, so possible false positives. MIGHT BE Zero. #Covidisnotthatbad
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I'm half convinced they use this guy as a spokesperson specifically to shatter people's confidence in science. Professional idiots fascinate me.
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boldfart (Long Spike)
Who would you reccomend as a reliable educated and honest source for scientific explanations?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Eric Weinstein would be one of them. He's an actual scientist. you might want at the very least start with an actual scientist although that's not much of an improvement. You want to find a scientist who isn't possessed by some narrow ideology.
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boldfart (Long Spike)
That is predictable, but somewhat unerving.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
It's unnerving when a scientist dispels 90% of what other scientists are claiming.
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sato (Old Spike)
which scientist has dispelled 90% of what other scientists are saying?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I don't know if it's 90%, but Eric does it a lot during a podcast with Joe Rogan. Tried to find the clip - Rogan has deleted a hug swath of his back catalogue from YouTube (I think this Spotify move will turn out to be a BIG mistake), but look for where Eric explains the big bang theory 100% honestly from a scientific perspective and then compare that to 90% of what you hear from scientific spokespersons explaining what the big bang is and what it means. It is unnerving because they are supposed to be scientists and seem blind to or dishonest about the fact that they're "scientific" beliefs are caked with ideology.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
scientists dispelling 90% of what other scientists say makes sense when you consider that most scientists that have ever lived are dead
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
This is true - now dive deep into that thought. Don't just skip along in the shallow waters.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
and since there is a chance that in a couple of hundred years we might be proven wrong, we shouldnt do anything until its too late
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
A sense of urgency is the most manipulative tool there is.
Is it good sometimes? Yes. about 1% of the time. Like when you cross a starving bear, or your mortgage is due.
Most of the time. A ticking clock just serves to override critical thinking and get someone to do something in the short term.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
One of the things you're going to want to learn young lass is the folly of constantly saying things you know to be untrue. You did not predict the response, nor are you unnerved. Start with stopping the lies, and you will begin to see the world around you more clearly.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Oh no - you just posted a link to wikipedia and then an image suggesting you just dropped a mic. I'm so embarrassed for you.
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sato (Old Spike)
wait, correlation is casuation now? well shit i guess bill nye would know because he's a scientist. he's not a scientist? really he's a mechanical engineer? so you're saying he has no background whatsoeveer in medicine or even biology? hmm.
come to think of it, both australia and new zealand eliminated covid before they introduced any mask regulations, and the new recent outbreak were all caused by people in quarantine allowed out of their rooms while wearing masks. maybe all these controlled trials that found masks have no effect are more valid after all. wow, a preponderance of real world trials do actually tell us more than a couple of simulated sneezes, who would've though.
seriously people, the black areas are having more covid now because the red areas got it all first. i mean ffs a schoolkid could work that out.
a few of the aforementioned trials:
doi: 10.1007/BF01658736
doi: 10.7326/M20-6817
doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2008.11.002
doi: 10.1001/jama.2019.11645
doi: 10.1093/cid/cix681
tl;dr: among thousands tested, people wearing masks got sick just as often as people not wearing masks, and people wearing N95 respirators got sick equally as often as people wearing surgical masks.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
LOL - these fools can't see past their own twisted agenda. It taints everything they try to do or understand. I heard the only logical explanation, which relies on an assumption, for why masks make sense as opposed to eliminating that and getting everyone infected with this as quickly as possible - because, they say, a vaccine is coming. If there was no vaccine coming they say no masks and herd immunity would make sense, but because there's a vaccine on its way we should use masks to "slow the spread" and when they roll out the vaccine in a couple months the total number of infected and dead will be less than it would otherwise have been.
You seeing this house of cards? Watch the vaccine, and how that unfolds. Watch closely.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
Re-infection = 4 cases worldwide. 4! not 4%, not 4,000 just FOUR and they weren't really sure they had it the first time as they didn't have symptoms, so possible false positives. MIGHT BE Zero. #Covidisnotthatbad
(Old Spike)
I'm half convinced they use this guy as a spokesperson specifically to shatter people's confidence in science. Professional idiots fascinate me.
(Long Spike)
Who would you reccomend as a reliable educated and honest source for scientific explanations?
(Old Spike)
Eric Weinstein would be one of them. He's an actual scientist. you might want at the very least start with an actual scientist although that's not much of an improvement. You want to find a scientist who isn't possessed by some narrow ideology.
(Long Spike)
That is predictable, but somewhat unerving.
(Old Spike)
It's unnerving when a scientist dispels 90% of what other scientists are claiming.
(Old Spike)
which scientist has dispelled 90% of what other scientists are saying?
(Old Spike)
I don't know if it's 90%, but Eric does it a lot during a podcast with Joe Rogan. Tried to find the clip - Rogan has deleted a hug swath of his back catalogue from YouTube (I think this Spotify move will turn out to be a BIG mistake), but look for where Eric explains the big bang theory 100% honestly from a scientific perspective and then compare that to 90% of what you hear from scientific spokespersons explaining what the big bang is and what it means. It is unnerving because they are supposed to be scientists and seem blind to or dishonest about the fact that they're "scientific" beliefs are caked with ideology.
(Old Spike)
scientists dispelling 90% of what other scientists say makes sense when you consider that most scientists that have ever lived are dead
(Old Spike)
This is true - now dive deep into that thought. Don't just skip along in the shallow waters.
(Old Spike)
and since there is a chance that in a couple of hundred years we might be proven wrong, we shouldnt do anything until its too late
(Old Spike)
A sense of urgency is the most manipulative tool there is.
Is it good sometimes? Yes. about 1% of the time. Like when you cross a starving bear, or your mortgage is due.
Most of the time. A ticking clock just serves to override critical thinking and get someone to do something in the short term.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
One of the things you're going to want to learn young lass is the folly of constantly saying things you know to be untrue. You did not predict the response, nor are you unnerved. Start with stopping the lies, and you will begin to see the world around you more clearly.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Oh no - you just posted a link to wikipedia and then an image suggesting you just dropped a mic. I'm so embarrassed for you.
(Old Spike)
wait, correlation is casuation now? well shit i guess bill nye would know because he's a scientist. he's not a scientist? really he's a mechanical engineer? so you're saying he has no background whatsoeveer in medicine or even biology? hmm.
come to think of it, both australia and new zealand eliminated covid before they introduced any mask regulations, and the new recent outbreak were all caused by people in quarantine allowed out of their rooms while wearing masks. maybe all these controlled trials that found masks have no effect are more valid after all. wow, a preponderance of real world trials do actually tell us more than a couple of simulated sneezes, who would've though.
seriously people, the black areas are having more covid now because the red areas got it all first. i mean ffs a schoolkid could work that out.
a few of the aforementioned trials:
doi: 10.1007/BF01658736
doi: 10.7326/M20-6817
doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2008.11.002
doi: 10.1001/jama.2019.11645
doi: 10.1093/cid/cix681
tl;dr: among thousands tested, people wearing masks got sick just as often as people not wearing masks, and people wearing N95 respirators got sick equally as often as people wearing surgical masks.
(Old Spike)
LOL - these fools can't see past their own twisted agenda. It taints everything they try to do or understand. I heard the only logical explanation, which relies on an assumption, for why masks make sense as opposed to eliminating that and getting everyone infected with this as quickly as possible - because, they say, a vaccine is coming. If there was no vaccine coming they say no masks and herd immunity would make sense, but because there's a vaccine on its way we should use masks to "slow the spread" and when they roll out the vaccine in a couple months the total number of infected and dead will be less than it would otherwise have been.
You seeing this house of cards? Watch the vaccine, and how that unfolds. Watch closely.