40 Separating States and Counting


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

This guy is harshing my buzz with his bullshit


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skeptoid's picture

Try a different strain. It's incredible to watch you guys walk yourselves right into the hells of war while apparently being completely unaware that it's what you're doing. Are you going to be all baffled and "whaaaa?" when people close to you start landing in prison and being killed? I wonder - I wish I could watch all of this from a safe place. 


But I'm at a point where I realize how clearly our species is currently consenting to a period of turturous violence and hell if not its permanent destruction. You want this - and you will get what you've asked for, unfortunately.

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stokkebye's picture

This is why we have a constitution. Adhere to the constitution, that we all agreed to, then we can work on the issues. 

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skeptoid's picture
For 20 years an authoritarian faction has been stripping your rights, shitting on your constitution, and selling out your country for cash, power, and control over your population. And the other thing they've done is close off our ability to communicate rationally with each other - that's the MSM. That leaves no other option than war, and as far as I can tell the tragedy here is a profound misunderstanding of one side by the other. It's basically become divided conceptually along the line of those who are aware and those who aren't, can't, or don't want to be aware. But the actual war won't be fought along those lines - they never are.
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stokkebye's picture

Goes back alot farther than that! And goes alot deeper!

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skeptoid's picture

Yes but the last two decades have seen an explicit and exponential rise in the effort to manufacture consent. This has created a split in the population between those who can't not see what's going on and those who are asleep or consciously hedging their bets - deeper than it's ever been.

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skeptoid's picture

From 4 ups to 4 downs (8 votes) but only 1 rating. Sad sad super friends.

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sato's picture

the constitution isn't enough, you also need somebody to prosecute any violations of it and then enough people to uphold the verdict and actually stop the people not following the constitution.

if biden violated the constitution, who would charge him?

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stokkebye's picture

Exactly, Texas and many other states asked SCOTUS to give them a ruling, as per the Constitution, and SCOTUS said "stick it up your rear". So if no state can be held accountable, no state has a right of grievance, then what is the purpose of the United States? Of the Constitution? This lawsuit goes a lot deeper than just "Orangemanbad", and their inaction sends a really bad message. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Get help!

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skeptoid's picture
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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Its to late to help them, we have to put them down

Watch the new borat movie, Rudy Giuliani takes his dick in his hand after the interview funny stuff.

And it shows the right to be nazis

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skeptoid's picture

The bill comes due dude.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Who is bill and why would he come all over me?

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sato's picture

not sure if you're trying to be sarcastic but that was unequivocally debunked. he was removing the mic wire.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

In the front of his pants, have you even seen the movie, he said he was tucking in his shirt btw

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

why would you kill a perfectly good slave?

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skeptoid's picture
That was so triggering I threw Ziggy off the balcony.
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Seamonkey89's picture

You guys think Jeb and really pull this off?

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ubershin's picture

cant wait for the actual rising to take place. We are just waiting yeeehaw. i'm already leaving cali next year

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