PTSD in 3 2 1...

subroutine's picture

Why did you poke the frog ?

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 4 (23 votes)


skeptoid's picture
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boldfart's picture



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subroutine's picture
front page

i think you and timmey should take a longer break from this site.

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boldfart's picture

I am sure you think that.

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subroutine's picture
front page

well the comment structure seems to let you think i meant you boldfart...
it was meant for this nolife shiltoid

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skeptoid's picture

She's like 12-years-old dude - give her some slack.

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boldfart's picture

OK cheers! Sub


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skeptoid's picture

To the front page you go.

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Evulva 1's picture

Nobody likes you man. You're here for community because you lack it in the real world. When the mark of your intentions turn sour, you turn on it.


Blow it the fux up


You have school shooters mentality.


You're becoming a bit unhinged and I'm sorry to say..




It's turning me on

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skeptoid's picture

"You're here for community"


What are you here for? I'm not the tired old man who's stuck in 1993. And no one cares that you're gay dude - get over it. 

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Evulva 1's picture



I'm here for potential dick and smiles for animanics references.


You can keep your toxic tim.


Now whenever I read your comments I read it in an Alex Jones voice.

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schenobi's picture

Just a heads up to members we have a "mark as spam" button for this sort of shit.

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skeptoid's picture

Have you heard of Magnesium Breakthrough?

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TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

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Cahu's picture

TBH I like a bit of drama. Or 100% drama.

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