I'll tell ya:
This is taken from a movie, trump and his tards are behaving like they are in a "reality show"
This movie tries to depict history whilst trump and his tards try to distort reality.
I can think of a few more but this should do......
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
The lesson is. Trump Grants more personal freedoms. Fascists take individual freedoms away.
Trump GIVES Americans a VOICE. This man wants to take people's voice away!
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
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JTrillo (Short Spike)
Trump as in the guy who's basically trying to overturn the democratic process?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Yes, that one!
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Only if he's wrong. It makes no sense to be a dictator in a nation where all citizens are armed.
It makes no sense to fraudulently overturn an election where the military sworn to the people will remove you if caught.
It also makes no sense to make fraudulent claims against one of the most capable intelliegnce agencies in the world.
Let's say I gave 1% chance he's pulling one over on everyone. The same 1% chance half the voters give him that he's right. Just for the sake of saying it's not IMPOSSIBLE.
The only way is if he's in a do or die situation. Which is also unlikely because the U.S. has never incarcerated a President. And there are a few that should be behind bars.
He has everything to lose by hatching this scheme everyone believes. Biden has everything to win by attempting this. Especially if the Fascists are experts at manipulating the election already.
Why haven't we seen proof? Because the wicked destroy proof. Experts destroy and muddy ALL of the proof.
It's no secret that the majority of people who voted Democrat would let one fraudulent election slide. Just because They hate Trump that much. Some would happily, willingly, and complicently shield Trump's opponent from being caught cheating.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
if this election was so fraudulent. why didnt texas include iowa, nebraska and new mexico in the court case? those 3 sent mail in ballots to everyone in the state, they should have also went after alaska, they did away with the requirement of a witness. a shit load of other red states extending voting times and removed the requirements of mail in ballots. its like the majority of people who voted republican would let another fraudulent election slide
(sounds retarded)
(Old Spike)
I'll tell ya:
This is taken from a movie, trump and his tards are behaving like they are in a "reality show"
This movie tries to depict history whilst trump and his tards try to distort reality.
I can think of a few more but this should do......
(Old Spike)
The lesson is. Trump Grants more personal freedoms. Fascists take individual freedoms away.
Trump GIVES Americans a VOICE. This man wants to take people's voice away!
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
Trump as in the guy who's basically trying to overturn the democratic process?
(Old Spike)
Yes, that one!
(Old Spike)
Only if he's wrong. It makes no sense to be a dictator in a nation where all citizens are armed.
It makes no sense to fraudulently overturn an election where the military sworn to the people will remove you if caught.
It also makes no sense to make fraudulent claims against one of the most capable intelliegnce agencies in the world.
Let's say I gave 1% chance he's pulling one over on everyone. The same 1% chance half the voters give him that he's right. Just for the sake of saying it's not IMPOSSIBLE.
The only way is if he's in a do or die situation. Which is also unlikely because the U.S. has never incarcerated a President. And there are a few that should be behind bars.
He has everything to lose by hatching this scheme everyone believes. Biden has everything to win by attempting this. Especially if the Fascists are experts at manipulating the election already.
Why haven't we seen proof? Because the wicked destroy proof. Experts destroy and muddy ALL of the proof.
It's no secret that the majority of people who voted Democrat would let one fraudulent election slide. Just because They hate Trump that much. Some would happily, willingly, and complicently shield Trump's opponent from being caught cheating.
(Old Spike)
if this election was so fraudulent. why didnt texas include iowa, nebraska and new mexico in the court case? those 3 sent mail in ballots to everyone in the state, they should have also went after alaska, they did away with the requirement of a witness. a shit load of other red states extending voting times and removed the requirements of mail in ballots. its like the majority of people who voted republican would let another fraudulent election slide