Full audio of phone call: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/audio-trumps-full-jan-2-call-with-ga-secretary-of-state/2021/01/03/3f9426f4-7937-4718-8a8e-9d6052001991_video.html
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Sounds like he's asking for an investigation, like the Ukraine phone call.
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CombatGod (Short Spike)
Sounds like?
Might want to remove the Trump dick from your ears.
Everything he said was without basis or evidence. None of his lawyers have presented anything he mentioned in actual court.
The only people that think there was any fraud are the morons too stupid to do any research beyond watching OAN.
If you want to see how badly you are being manipulated. Just look at the moron evidence being presented at hotel room hearings over the actual evidence Trump is brining to court.
There is none. You're a moron sheep. Stop shitting on America with your stupidity.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
SO tell me knowitall, what court allowed evidence to be presented? NONE! You fucking dumbass! LOL
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Why is the call all cut up?
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phanto (Short Spike)
Because the full recording is over an hour long. It can be found here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/audio-trumps-full-jan-2-call-with-ga-secretary-of-state/2021/01/03/3f9426f4-7937-4718-8a8e-9d6052001991_video.html
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schenobi (Short Spike)
Holy shit Trump spent an HOUR on the phone with these dudes, BEGGING for votes. So they put him on the internet which he loves so much.
Feels good man, feels good.
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ubershin (Old Spike)
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phanto (Short Spike)
This is hard evidence that Trump is attempting a coup d'etat. This is actually very important for two reasons :
1- Trump's attempted coup d'etat is still ongoing. There is no reason to believe he will back down especially now that the cat is out of the bag and the only way out of facing the consequences of his act is to somehow maintain his position of power. There is very good reason to believe that he is preparing for and considering to attempt to use the military as a last resort to remain in power which although unlikely to succeed would be incredibly dangerous for the integrity of the country as a whole. We already know that no rule or law, neither legal or of basic decency will discourage him. The safeguard for such a situation where a president goes rogue like this and threatens to establish a dictatorship is impeachement. Because of what is at risk it would actually be absolutely be worth it to impeach him even within 2 weeks of the end of his term.
2- If someone can be allowed to do something like this and get away with it this will set an extremely dangerous precedent. There has to be consequences for this that go far beyond just losing the election. Otherwise you're just leaving the door wide open for someone else to try to do the same again and this time this one might be successful. No one should rest as long as Trump isn't wearing orange overalls.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
LOL, good one!
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phanto (Short Spike)
How ironic that he kept chanting "stop the steal" while he was himself actively trying to steal the election. His reason to justify it? Rumors and hear-say.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Wait, you're serious? LOL
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CombatGod (Short Spike)
Stop being a little Trump Sheep and do some actual research. Being told the research has been done for you isn't an excuse.
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CombatGod (Short Spike)
Here's a nice image of Trump's lackie from the post office trying to stop votes from being counted.
(Old Spike)
Holy crap he sounds desperate.
(Long Spike)
For a self proclaimed TT he sounds DRUNK!!!!
(sounds retarded)
Full audio of phone call: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/audio-trumps-full-jan-2-call-with-ga-secretary-of-state/2021/01/03/3f9426f4-7937-4718-8a8e-9d6052001991_video.html
(sounds retarded)
Sounds like he's asking for an investigation, like the Ukraine phone call.
(Short Spike)
Sounds like?
Might want to remove the Trump dick from your ears.
Everything he said was without basis or evidence. None of his lawyers have presented anything he mentioned in actual court.
The only people that think there was any fraud are the morons too stupid to do any research beyond watching OAN.
If you want to see how badly you are being manipulated. Just look at the moron evidence being presented at hotel room hearings over the actual evidence Trump is brining to court.
There is none. You're a moron sheep. Stop shitting on America with your stupidity.
(sounds retarded)
SO tell me knowitall, what court allowed evidence to be presented? NONE! You fucking dumbass! LOL
(Old Spike)
Why is the call all cut up?
(Short Spike)
Because the full recording is over an hour long. It can be found here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/audio-trumps-full-jan-2-call-with-ga-secretary-of-state/2021/01/03/3f9426f4-7937-4718-8a8e-9d6052001991_video.html
(Short Spike)
Holy shit Trump spent an HOUR on the phone with these dudes, BEGGING for votes. So they put him on the internet which he loves so much.
Feels good man, feels good.
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
This is hard evidence that Trump is attempting a coup d'etat. This is actually very important for two reasons :
1- Trump's attempted coup d'etat is still ongoing. There is no reason to believe he will back down especially now that the cat is out of the bag and the only way out of facing the consequences of his act is to somehow maintain his position of power. There is very good reason to believe that he is preparing for and considering to attempt to use the military as a last resort to remain in power which although unlikely to succeed would be incredibly dangerous for the integrity of the country as a whole. We already know that no rule or law, neither legal or of basic decency will discourage him. The safeguard for such a situation where a president goes rogue like this and threatens to establish a dictatorship is impeachement. Because of what is at risk it would actually be absolutely be worth it to impeach him even within 2 weeks of the end of his term.
2- If someone can be allowed to do something like this and get away with it this will set an extremely dangerous precedent. There has to be consequences for this that go far beyond just losing the election. Otherwise you're just leaving the door wide open for someone else to try to do the same again and this time this one might be successful. No one should rest as long as Trump isn't wearing orange overalls.
(sounds retarded)
LOL, good one!
(Short Spike)
How ironic that he kept chanting "stop the steal" while he was himself actively trying to steal the election. His reason to justify it? Rumors and hear-say.
(sounds retarded)
Wait, you're serious? LOL
(Short Spike)
Stop being a little Trump Sheep and do some actual research. Being told the research has been done for you isn't an excuse.
(Short Spike)
Here's a nice image of Trump's lackie from the post office trying to stop votes from being counted.