50 debunked and disproven claims regarding voter fraud.
Yet the election was fake. All news is fake and all conspiracies are real. Especially of the information agrees with my special feelings and precious ideals.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
10000 debunked and disproven claims regarding an election that was run fairly and without fraud. Yet the election was fair. You see what I did there? That's how what you call "the kuckleheads from the idiot tree" see it and not just those folk - both sides live in different universes now. They might as well be aliens.
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Evulva 1 (Short Spike)
I got gotch'd!!!
Time to hit up some Alex Jones and Dim casts for some education
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3pointdog (Spiker)
Name the 50 debunked claims and how was it debunked.
Can you name them?
No you cannot.
That's just what the main stream media tells you. Look at the claims and do some reading before dismissing them.
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InsertCoin (Short Spike)
But they brought them to court ya? And then what happened? Are all of the judges, even conservative ones, in on the conspiracy too? How far would you like this to go? A task force was assigned back in 2016 - by Trump - to look into all the "illegal" votes even though he won (but lost the majority). Found nothing. Now all these lawsuits, nothing or not enough evidence. Emotion aside, would it be possible, given his history, to think that he's just a really sore loser? Do you really think someone exists that could only win at everything like he claims?
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ubershin (Old Spike)
The only way to trust the system at this point is to burn it all to the ground. This is the final solution. obv
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Evulva 1 (Short Spike)
Ahh so anarchy.
I can dig it.
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boldfart (Long Spike)
"The only way to trust the system at this point is to burn it all to the ground. This is the final solution. obv"
Nope, the final solution was tried ( by someone slightly to the left of you) and he was found in a bunker on fire with a bullit in his brain.
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Evulva 1 (Short Spike)
My favorite one was when the extreme number of dead voters that were maliciously counted.
They found 2.
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Evulva 1 (Short Spike)
What are you doing here?
Shouldn't you be out with the other frenzied "patriots" doing what BLM couldn't even come close to accomplish?
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
You know what if this is a massive conspiracy and voter fraud was rampant! No ones gonna listen to the guy that thinks everything is a conspiracy. EVERYTHING .... it's all you think about. Do a Bill Burr, just realise you're in too deep and it's fucking with your life. Unless ofc. 1. your all alone or 2. everyone around you thinks like you. Then go for it, just know it's gonna get worse.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Now there is a chnce he will be impeached on the last days of his presidency. Now that would be hillarious.
Both twitter and facebooke put a block on his account, still hosing myself.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
He more or less ordered a march on the senate, but a smart politician would rather let it hang over his head and make him shut the fuck up. If I was Pence right now, I'd sit him down and just tell it straight, you or your family won't make it out unless you stfu. I'd like to see him shitsacked
but t-tards would go apeshit and burn the US down.
edit: seems like Pence just dropped the hammer and had "the talk" Trumps suddenly purring like a kitten.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Is this possible the biggest "sorry, not sorry" surely it's been watched by billions right now...
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
It was immediately censored on Twitter so likely not.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Uhhh... do you understand the interwebs?
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boldfart (Long Spike)
Nope she don't, the dope!
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Yes - to maximize a viral piece of information all of the major venues for accessing it have to be open. The left side closed on that. So it hasn't been seen by "billions" by now.
(Long Spike)
He has learned well from Pinochet and Idi Amin.
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
50 debunked and disproven claims regarding voter fraud.
Yet the election was fake. All news is fake and all conspiracies are real. Especially of the information agrees with my special feelings and precious ideals.
(Old Spike)
10000 debunked and disproven claims regarding an election that was run fairly and without fraud. Yet the election was fair. You see what I did there? That's how what you call "the kuckleheads from the idiot tree" see it and not just those folk - both sides live in different universes now. They might as well be aliens.
(Short Spike)
I got gotch'd!!!
Time to hit up some Alex Jones and Dim casts for some education
Name the 50 debunked claims and how was it debunked.
Can you name them?
No you cannot.
That's just what the main stream media tells you. Look at the claims and do some reading before dismissing them.
(Short Spike)
But they brought them to court ya? And then what happened? Are all of the judges, even conservative ones, in on the conspiracy too? How far would you like this to go? A task force was assigned back in 2016 - by Trump - to look into all the "illegal" votes even though he won (but lost the majority). Found nothing. Now all these lawsuits, nothing or not enough evidence. Emotion aside, would it be possible, given his history, to think that he's just a really sore loser? Do you really think someone exists that could only win at everything like he claims?
(Old Spike)
The only way to trust the system at this point is to burn it all to the ground. This is the final solution. obv
(Short Spike)
Ahh so anarchy.
I can dig it.
(Long Spike)
"The only way to trust the system at this point is to burn it all to the ground. This is the final solution. obv"
Nope, the final solution was tried ( by someone slightly to the left of you) and he was found in a bunker on fire with a bullit in his brain.
(Short Spike)
My favorite one was when the extreme number of dead voters that were maliciously counted.
They found 2.
(Short Spike)
What are you doing here?
Shouldn't you be out with the other frenzied "patriots" doing what BLM couldn't even come close to accomplish?
(Old Spike)
You know what if this is a massive conspiracy and voter fraud was rampant! No ones gonna listen to the guy that thinks everything is a conspiracy. EVERYTHING .... it's all you think about. Do a Bill Burr, just realise you're in too deep and it's fucking with your life. Unless ofc. 1. your all alone or 2. everyone around you thinks like you. Then go for it, just know it's gonna get worse.
(Old Spike)
Now there is a chnce he will be impeached on the last days of his presidency. Now that would be hillarious.
Both twitter and facebooke put a block on his account, still hosing myself.
(Old Spike)
He more or less ordered a march on the senate, but a smart politician would rather let it hang over his head and make him shut the fuck up. If I was Pence right now, I'd sit him down and just tell it straight, you or your family won't make it out unless you stfu. I'd like to see him shitsacked
but t-tards would go apeshit and burn the US down.
edit: seems like Pence just dropped the hammer and had "the talk" Trumps suddenly purring like a kitten.
(Old Spike)
Is this possible the biggest "sorry, not sorry" surely it's been watched by billions right now...
(Old Spike)
It was immediately censored on Twitter so likely not.
(Old Spike)
Uhhh... do you understand the interwebs?
(Long Spike)
Nope she don't, the dope!
(Old Spike)
Yes - to maximize a viral piece of information all of the major venues for accessing it have to be open. The left side closed on that. So it hasn't been seen by "billions" by now.