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ubershin's picture

at least the cop can say he finally killed a girl to his resume

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sato's picture

this whole "no evidence" thing is crazy. you've got literal definitions of suspicious election results such as the multiple precincts with results over 90% in favor of one candidate (over 75% in any one precinct is so impossibly unlikely that it requires an investigation) just being thrown out for "no evidence".

here's some evidence - no there's no evidence. ok here's some more evidence now go look into it please - no there's still no evidence of fraud. it's just crazy. the people storming the capitol is crazy but be honest not one single person giving a flying fuck about impossible election results and blanket refusing to investigate is even crazier.

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skeptoid's picture

It's crazy reflecting off crazy, resonating and amplifying.

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AMWhy's picture

Yeah, that's bollocks.  There is no evidence of event tampering because it didn't happen.  Over 90% isn't surprising after 4 years of seeing what Trump is.  Be proud!  It means the USA voters are actually less than 50% stupid.  Sadly, the UK can't say the same.

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skeptoid's picture

You are the Milgram experiment IRL.

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AMWhy's picture

Right... That doesn't even relate.

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sato's picture

yes it is, it's definition surprising. the bluest precincts in california voted <70% in favor of biden. anything over 75% is automatically suspect, as in textbook definition of suspicious results, because you never get more than 75% in any election ever. to get more than 90%, orders of magnitude more suspicious, and refuse to even investigate while denying that it's evidence is clear corruption. that is definition evidence.


nobody in any state ever has voted >75% in favor of one candidate. in this election the bluests states didn't vote >75% blue. nowhere in any non-swing state did any precinct vote >75% trump or biden. the only place it happened was in just enough precincts in a few swing states. nowhere else this election or any other election ever. that is evidence.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras



they don't go by districts, they go by counties and every election, some of these counties has someone getting more than 70%. if you look at california, san francisco is not a conservative place. it goes blue with a high % every election along with 6 or more counties. california also has a few counties that go red each election with 70% or more.


if you take pennsylvania,a swing state, fulton county(pop 14k) went red the last 2 elections with close to 85% for trump.


florida has around a dozen counties that go red with over 70% of the vote each election for the last decade.


i think you might be skipping out on where people with a certain mindset live, and how many people might live in a county

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AMWhy's picture

For someone who doesn't understand statistics, you are writing a lot of words.  There's nothing surprising about it and there is no evidence of any tampering anywhere.  When you factor in these are republican run states you are talking about it goes from laughable to full-on fantasy talk.  You'd have to be a Trump supporter (ie, thick) to believe otherwise.

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