I'd say this qualifies as unrest


Evulva 1's picture

I'd say the winds of reality shook the idiot tree too much and a bunch of "knuckleheaded" snowflakes fell out.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

"I won't be calling it unrest - those in denial will be doing that. What happened in Iraq post-invasion 2003 was a civil war - it'll look more like that or like Israel during the intifadas or any number of examples other than "the last US civil war", which would be the very last thing anyone would want to use as their measuring stick for whether what's about to happen over the next few months can be considered a civil war. " -skeptoid


you've been calling for a civil war, only in the october did you transition from civil war to unrest after a convos about it.

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skeptoid's picture

Lowercase sal9000 - we are only 2 months from the election and we're at unrest, bordering on civil war. The quote you have up there is telling you it won't look like the civil war from the 1800s, but like what a modern civil war looks like. I and others have posted several non-partison videos from analysts who've been warning about this for a few years now. Still, at this stage I would only call it unrest, but it's progressing about as fast as I thought it could. Maybe a bit faster.


If things continue as they are proceeding, we'll be at civil war before year's end I think. I don't see how things can't calm down at this point, but have this terrible feeling it's not going to deflate - everyone who saw this today is going to be afraid. This might not be a bad thing, and maybe this will be the end of it. I wasn't predicting that civil war was going to kick off today and you know that - just civil war developing soon, like during Biden's term. I'm in my usual state when this happens - shocked that what I envisioned at this stage and thought was the most extreme case (trying to be conservative) is what's happening in front of my eyes.


This happens too often, and I'd appreciate it if you could tell uppercase sal9000 that I derive no pleasure in seeing this shit coming and trying to warn people about it and I don't appreciate being attacked so aggressively simply for saying "Hey, watch out, some serious shit's about to go down."


Yeah we're on track for civil war. This spectacle today - dude why don't you make an argument that it will serve as a relief valve to get the steam out and this is as bad as it will get. I'll listen.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

when i take a quick look at these, i trace how you went from calling it a civil war to calling it unrest.





am i wrong in saying that you're just moving the fence?

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skeptoid's picture

I said if the courts refuse to look at the evidence, we will almost certainly have unrest. And that's what we have. If SCOTUS had looked at the evidence and and ruled against, I predicted things could calm down. But an avoidance strategy was used, and it's understandable that they might consider it the safest approach. 


Also I've used the term unrest more frequently specifically because you freak out over the term civil war, thinking it's like muskets and horses and shit, apparently. You know I'm a bit pissed off right now lowercase sal9000 - I try to have respect for your particular skeptical view and you make me second guess myself sometimes only to find out you just need to fucking read more. Fuck.


I saw an expert on the subject say it's considered a modern civil war on technical terms when there are 2,000 combatant deaths. Until then it's called unrest. If the death toll reaches 2000 civilian combatant deaths (whether they are killed by other civilians or law enforcement) will you join me in declaring a civil war is underway in the US? Sal it's not conscription with uniforms and dispatches at dawn, although maybe in the nightmare scenario it arrives there somehow. 


You don't think things are trending towards more intense civilian violence against both institutions and each other? You know that video you posted of Trump telling everyone to go home, which I uprated? Twitter deleted that tweet from Trump and suspended his account. Does that seem like a good de-escalation move to you? All of the mechanisms with power seem to be pushing the populace towards civil conflict leading to civil war. What do you think all of the non-participants will call for to avoid catastrophe? We're about to see something that will make the patriot act look like a cute joke. 


What happened today was a huge mistake - if they hadn't arrested the leader of the proud boys the moment he landed in DC and many of the other recognizable leaders maybe they could have stopped this. They knew this was the WORSE possible thing for their side. It's the end of MAGA - all those people on camera inside the capital are going to prison. The security state is going to pounce on this like crazy. And in the wake of it all of the vectors of societal communication are just pooring gas on the flames. Dumping galons on it. This sucks.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

no, i wouldn't join you. it wouldnt be a civil war, it would be america vs domestic terrorists.


yes and no.


yes its good that they blocked trump. he stoked the flames


i don't see a civil war happening, all i see is idiots being idiots and getting the attention of the law


am i wrong in saying that the actions that happened are the ones you wanted to happen, but you would have rathered it had been done by the opposing side(antifa/blm)?

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skeptoid's picture

You still can't tell the difference between what I predict will happen vs. what I want to happen. Uppercase sal9000 is even worse than you. The narrow band of media you watch will feed you your view of one side of the conflict while another stream of media feeds the other side its view. This I can guarantee. I would never expect Antifa to successfully storm the Capitol buliding, but I would expect that to be possible with Trump supporters, especially given the fact the they would likely have a more sympathetic relationship with the municipal police.


As far as today goes, I expected recognizable leaders of their MAGA movement to restrain something like what occurred. I know they arrested the leader of the proud boys when he landed in DC yesterday. I would have pegged something like this to happen early in Biden's administration, maybe triggered by mid-terms or something. This is ahead of the sched I had pictured, which isn't good. 


To me it looks like you want to be in it - I'll repeat again that what you should be doing is making plans and decisions to live according to your principles, if you have them, while avoiding an irrovocable act of violence for as long as possible, including not acting in violence even if it seems objectively just (in self-defense or whatever) if your rational mind tells you the end result will be a net increase in suffering, especially for the people you want to protect. Along with this you should be sampling all spectrums of available media, even if only to be able to better evaluate what's coming over the horizon to help with those decisions.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

am i wrong in saying that the actions that happened are the ones you wanted to happen, but you would have rathered it had been done by the opposing side(antifa/blm)?

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skeptoid's picture

Yes as I just told you and you're stuck on repeat. But, it's only something I've considered now at your prompting. I'm sure Antifa has fantasies about storming the capitol building, but they aren't equipped for that kind of action and have nowhere near the required numbers - the fact that you think Antifa storming the capitol building is something that could happen is bizarre to me. You need genuine will and the bodies to go with it. It's why I gave the advice about expanding your media sources. Had you done so, you would have seen what I was seeing - how half the country was perceiving the recent election, told from their side. You only bothered with interpretations from the opposing side - my turn:


am i wrong in saying that you believe there were dozens of cases put to the courts claiming fraud in the election and all of them were dismissed based on an evaluation of the presented evidence and/or a lack of evidence by the courts? 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

no, your not answering the question. i'm not asking you if antifa or blm would be capable, i'm asking you if you would have preffered these actions were done by antifa/blm instead.


no, your not wrong. the cases of fraud were dismissed based on the evidence but also standings. fraud happens but its a very small percentage. you can say fraud happened, have evidence of it but fail to show how it only affected one side. same goes for the cases that took issue with changing of state rules regarding the election, some of the states that sued were states that had changed election rules. i'd say most of these lawsuits were never suppose to win. they were just meant to cater to 10 million people so they'd still vote republican in 4 years

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skeptoid's picture

"no, your not answering the question. i'm not asking you if antifa or blm would be capable, i'm asking you if you would have preffered these actions were done by antifa/blm instead."


It's times like this when I wonder if you are autistic, sal. I've answered this twice now. To your first question, this was my answering yes, as in you're wrong in saying that. You wrote:


am i wrong in saying that the actions that happened are the ones you wanted to happen, but you would have rathered it had been done by the opposing side(antifa/blm)?


My response:


"You still can't tell the difference between what I predict will happen vs. what I want to happen."


That means yes you're wrong. You repeated the question again:


am i wrong in saying that the actions that happened are the ones you wanted to happen, but you would have rathered it had been done by the opposing side(antifa/blm)?


My response:


"Yes as I just told you and you're stuck on repeat." 


That means yes you're wrong. You ask the question a third time using a different phrasing:


i'm asking you if you would have preffered these actions were done by antifa/blm instead.


And this time the response, given the new phrasing, would be no. I just watched antifa/blm terrorize a dozen US cities for over six months, and I didn't support any of that. Why would I support antifa/blm storming the capitol building? What's wrong with you - are you doing shrooms tonight?


Anyway, here's a vid by someone else about Tim Pool that's pretty much an analysis of why you're so frequently wrong. He says there's no corruption on Trump's side - I doubt that very much. There's corruption with some of his private holdings, or accusations of that. The point that applies to both you and the guy Tim is talking to is that all of the information Tim is aware of was mined through effort, digging, cultivating the best sources you can trust to at least give an honest take, getting as clear and as deep a picture as possible, etc. The guy Tim is talking to just watches CNN or something - he has no idea what's going on.


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AMWhy's picture

It'd be a fun civil war.  The low IQ Trump supporters against the normal people.  I wonder who would win...

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skeptoid's picture

north vietnam

south vietnam







your home town


Still looking forward to fun?  This is not a day for laughing.

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AMWhy's picture

You're right - it's not a day for laughing.  It's sad to see someone die because that moron in office spouts lies to the low IQ followers who believe his retoric.  



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skeptoid's picture

Have you taken a look at your own rhetoric? At all?

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AMWhy's picture

*Holds up a mirror.*

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skeptoid's picture

"It's sad to see someone die because that moron in office spouts lies to the low IQ followers who believe his retoric."

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Have you? ... I mean literally, cause I do it all the time. Have you?!

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skeptoid's picture

Yes, very carefully. You're for tribal war. I'm not. You'll find this to be a theme of my rhetoric. Here's some of it - two polarized groups of very poorly educated people are destroying public safety at the behest of a false media. 

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n0val33t's picture
front page

As for the mirror, you didn't find the red thread through all your drivel? It's all conspiracy bullshit, it's tedium. I'm bored out of my witts end writing this, well apart from the whole "You're for tribal war." shit you pulled out of a hat. AMWhy's reply was a good touche pertaining to everything you post on Spiked

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skeptoid's picture

I understand why you think you're right, and I understand exactly how you're wrong, and you're not the only one who finds children playing with shit in a sandbox tedious.

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stokkebye's picture

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,”


Today was a GREAT day for this country!!!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page



The headline pooltards love when in fact rioters entered the capitol in an attempted "coup" (of course misunderstanding what a coup is supposed to be because if it were they would be proscuted for treason as terrorists) and were removed, some of these trespassers were injured and killed in the process. 

Alt right snowflakes complained that they were not allowed to carry out their "revolution" and sprayed with tear gas.


The rest of the world laughs.

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skeptoid's picture

I'm not sure even you know what you mean at this point. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Of course you don't get it. Also you should asnwer when asked a question, coward. 

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skeptoid's picture

Find the question in your comment. I'll wait. You and that little girl are actually related, aren't you? Dude, what are you doing?

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stokkebye's picture

Wanna know what sparked the revolutionary war for Americas independence from Britain? People pissed off with the British throwing snowballs at some redcoats and a few got shot for it. They called it the Boston Massacre. How many Antifa or BLM got shot by cops for trespassing? Hell how many got shot for burning down buildings? NONE! Cops cannot just open fire on unarmed people storming a governmental building, but I think it is leading up to it and when it does happen, that just might be the spark to set the blaze alight! I would back antifa and BLM %100 if they directed their shit towards the government.   

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