Done with Dems and Republicans


theblackswordsman's picture
front page

The purity belief she is talking about from the radical left sounds exactly like fascism.

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skeptoid's picture

Yes, but it also sounds like Stalin's Russia - you first pledge absolute loyalty and obedience to the party line, and then they inform you what the party line is today.

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

It's a hybrid system. Serfdom through fascism.


All the best and most effective plays of tyrants without any of the mess, or sudden movements to trigger a violent pushback.


As a community we should start drawing lines in the sand. Governments can demand whatever they want now. And if gustapo shit starts happening we aren't going to know about it, or it's all going to be reframed.


Styx suggests relentless pushback against censorship.


Styx also suggests running for municiple politics campaigning on liberty and populism. I also agree. And many Trump supporters are doing just that.


Also, improve yourself with skills. People should be doing that regardless of politcal climate.

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