Capitol Hill Disneyland


boldfart's picture

Trumptards can work in the Police.

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stokkebye's picture

So 5-6 cops were suppossed to keep out 10-20k people? 

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boldfart's picture

Not when they had a special invitation from Trump!

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stokkebye's picture

OH, so Trump was in charge of the police at the House?

Roll Safe, the Guy-Tapping-Head Meme, Explained

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

"walk down to the Capitol", "you'll never take back your country with weakness", just a few words from trump before the show

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stokkebye's picture

Whats your point?

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Dagambit's picture

I think his point is a few hundred Trump Armed protesters can storm the capitol with little opposition from the police, because there aren't many cops in DC and the Mayor is republican and they haven't beefed up the "force" since before 911. This is due to a lack of funding granted by congress for the last decade to deal with any.. ....


oh wait, this just in.. none of what I was saying was true. The protesters weren't armed, and there are a ton of cops in DC as a matter of fact they have been on high alert all year, weird there weren't that many at the capitol. hmmmm.. 

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stokkebye's picture

You forgot the mayor is democrap. Which was my point. Did the democraps want this to happen? And its just propaganda to blame Trump? Or was it Trump inciting the mob to storm the capital and the police were unprepared? Or was it just the police were unprepared as %100 of his supporters rallies and protest events were peaceful and no one expected this to happen, even Trump. If the Democrap Mayor didnt think it would happen even if Trump called for it, then how was rump to know it would happen as well?  

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you guys know that the chief of capitol police was appointed by trump right?

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stokkebye's picture

No, did not know that, but he takes orders from the mayor, right?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

take orders? they report to a mayor, the mayor doesn't tell them what to do. so on a day that nothing like this has happened before, before the national guard could show up and before extra police could be called in, thousands decended on the capitol. somehow, this is the police chiefs fault, or the mayors, but not the people that lit the fuse.

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stokkebye's picture

What planet are you from? Mayors tell police cheifs what to do, thats the chain of command. How many weeks ahead of time did they have to prepare for this? How many calls to rally and news reports were out there for them to clearly see leading up to it? You'd have to have your head burried in the sand, blind, deaf, and dumb NOT to know! So why did the mayor not prepare?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you mean, how many minutes did they have to prepare for this. people have been calling for shit like this for years. nobody does it. trump started an hour long speech before 12pm, they were storming into the capitol at 1pm. guess how long it takes to call in 100 police and get thru traffic? heres a hint. when i drive to florida, i drive around dc instead of going thu it. maybe you shouldnt be blaming the police for not having a pre-through crime division and blame the people that called for it

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stokkebye's picture

They knew for weeks ahead of time that people were going to protest at the capital you fucking tard! Jesus christ man.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

when did protesting at the capitol become the same as storming the capitol?

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skeptoid's picture


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