I've been cracking out on this game, Holdfast, and I want to play some music in game, anyone know how that works? I got a SoundBlaster headset with a detachable mic, can I plug in my phone to the mic inlet and play music through that? Mayeb with an app on my phone or something?
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
when you say you want to play some music in game, do you mean that you just want to listen to music while you play? and are you playing with the headset on?
(sounds retarded)
while playing you can press a button to talk in game, I want to play music in game just as if I was talking. I already play music while I play. Alot of plyrs already do it but their music sucks.
(Old Spike)
VB Audio Cable
how to use it, i don't know
(sounds retarded)
Awesome, will try. Thanks!
(Old Spike)
There is a way to do this. You need to download some program in order to create a audio cable. I will try to find the guide I used. But that was a long time ago. I cannot find it now but i Did find this
(31) Stream Music Through Your Mic (Youtube, Spotify, Soundcloud, etc.) - YouTube
(sounds retarded)
Sweet! Thanks!
(Old Spike)
Bro, just turn up the volume so they can hear and rest the mic against the speaker. Easy.
(sounds retarded)
I cannot, got a 6 yr old and her mom living with me. I even soundproofed my office and they still bitch when Im talking on my mic.