just out of interest what was that first guy doing again?
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
I remember watching videos of the Chinese doing this back before all of our lockdowns, they had vans that would drive around and catch people not wearing masks and throw them in the back of their vans. Didnt think I would be watching the same happen elsewhere.
I dont mind wearing a mask but I dont want to see people being thrown in vans or arrested for not wearing one. These people are on public rights of way and out in the open air. Being on a business property is not the same, if a business asks you to wear a mask, I dont have a problem with that, I do have a problem with the government telling you to wear one out in the open air and on public property and arresting you for it.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"wake up" the call of the deluded, be it trumptards, antimaskers, antivaxxers or religious fanatics
(Site Administrator)
just out of interest what was that first guy doing again?
(sounds retarded)
I remember watching videos of the Chinese doing this back before all of our lockdowns, they had vans that would drive around and catch people not wearing masks and throw them in the back of their vans. Didnt think I would be watching the same happen elsewhere.
I dont mind wearing a mask but I dont want to see people being thrown in vans or arrested for not wearing one. These people are on public rights of way and out in the open air. Being on a business property is not the same, if a business asks you to wear a mask, I dont have a problem with that, I do have a problem with the government telling you to wear one out in the open air and on public property and arresting you for it.
(Old Spike)
"wake up" the call of the deluded, be it trumptards, antimaskers, antivaxxers or religious fanatics