I forgot to add your leftist fascism will be short lived.
Head of CIA just resigned.
Pentagon not briefing Biden admin on Special forces operations.
Washington D.C. was not fortified to protect them. It will be their prison.
SCOTUS making preparations for treason trials of Biden Admin.
2000 National Guard sworn in as Special deputized U.S. Marshals by order of President Donald Trump Jan 19.
A few more moves to checkmate.
(14 votes)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
They upvoted you because they think you are laughing with biden :)
(Old Spike)
I think some upvoted me because they think I am laughing with them about Biden and not because I actually laugh about them....
They keep on amusing me...
(Old Spike)
This was filmed by Biden with his Android phone and shared on Facebook :)
Also - https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2021/01/19/cia-director-gina-haspel-announces-resignation/
You are so full of shit
(Short Spike)
Head of CIA just resigned.
When does she commit suicide?
(Old Spike)
She no longer had to fight trump... thats basicaly it, and thats what she said
(Old Spike)
It is ppl like you that destroy the country, long haired hippy's, who are dissatisfied with their lives, who wear emo jackets and all black because inside they are nothing special, did nothing special, you are in the prison of your own sub consciousness, you destroy trying to create you are a failure as your own actions.
(Old Spike)
The Spiked Nation Potatoes have spoken. Can't wait for the rest of the bin.
(Old Spike)
O you can wait, dont say you can't
(Short Spike)
This comment is like a college kid trying to fart to impress his roommates but shits his pants instead.
Bidentards living in their own little dream world getting all their news from CNN and NBC
(Old Spike)
i like what u just said about bidentards, will be an easy 4 years for tesla stockholders :D
(Old Spike)
wondering about that. i mean it might be but at the same time tesla has been treated so shittily by blue state governments they're looking to move to texas.
(Old Spike)
Ubershin is a pretend cartoon of a right winger.
(Old Spike)
this is standard procedure i'm 95% sure. the ones facing away are all on the edge of the road, and looking outwards towards any potential sources of attack rather than away from the motorcade.
(Old Spike)
Marine Corps Honor Guard did not Salute their Commander in chief upon entering the white house either.
General Berger also Just Updated the Marine Corps Doctrine to reflect the incremental fascist erosion of the western world as well. It's in the Jocko Podcast. I'll post it up.
TLDW He called it "Salami Slicing"
Whatever happens. Trust the Marines.
(Old Spike)
Proof or dint happen...
(Old Spike)
I'm not here to convince you. You are lost, and we arn't bothering with you.
You better get used to what I have to say cause you are never going to be without it again.
You don't like it? You have the right to leave.
Last COURTESY. Your proof of no salute.
(Old Spike)
Can you see me leave?
The guy in the video talks about as much as you, and when you said us did you mean you and your sock accounts?
(Old Spike)
Didn't think you would have much to say.
Tell us all about which sock accounts are mine. Since you have proof.
(Old Spike)
Who is us? You basicaly stand alone.
You lost the election get over it, get over yourself
(Old Spike)
Who is us? You basicaly stand alone.
You lost the election get over it, get over yourself
(Old Spike)
You bragged about working for the FBI and CIA, and then we're supposed to wonder why you love Biden so much. And you don't even live in the US. Theblackswordsman and I don't use sock accounts. What's been happening for five years is one or two Spiked Nationals using sock accounts to silence voices opposed to the policies and actions of a permanent state you admit to having worked for. One of the tactics used has been to rapidly deploy ratings from sock accounts and insincere partisan accounts (Daft Cunt administers four of them occupied by Spiked Nationals too young to vote) to "disappear" video posts and resulting conversations that challenges the power establishment's pro-war, pro-domestic turmoil agenda as quickly as possible. MonkeyMania was actually much more effective at this with his multiple, VPN-supported, sock accounts before he made a mistake proving he was doing this, I sent the evidence to Nakey, and Nakey banned the offending sock account (Charles Martel), and MonkeyMania disappeared from this site forever.
Nakey, much to my surprise, has disabled the feature that deletes a Spiked Nation post if it has a rating of less than 3 after 10 votes. He has done this in response to complaints by folks like myself and TheBlackSwordsman. What you are seeing on the Spiked new posts page now is what the voting looks like when that feature is disabled. Every post by theblackswordsman and myself, puffenask and others that questions or opposes wokeism will continue to be targeted by ideologue censors with a standard 5 one-star ratings from Daft Cunt, a German native who lives in Spain "for some reason", and four German children and/or family members, to which he is related. The difference now is that the post, and the discussions we are having about it, will not be deleted from the site forever. That's why I'm back.
(Short Spike)
So much energy dedicated to BLAHBLAHLAHBLAhBLAhh..lol
(Old Spike)
He's back to talk our ears off :)
(Old Spike)
You're so mad that we broke your toys.
(Old Spike)
What are you on about? Is this it?...
Your breaking more then you can imagine, you called for anarchy over some unsubstantiated allegations, you are at the brink of a civil war, and you are loving it.
You're so mad that you lost the election, that is it.
(Old Spike)
What are you on about? Is this it?...
(Old Spike)
sad figure
(Old Spike)
Actually, I want peace and healing.
The news is telling you I want war.
I believe a unified nation is stronger than a divided one.
The government is dividing us, so the citizens do their dirty work for them to seize control, rather than sacrifice their precious enforcers.
You're from Belgium yes? You're good people. I have a very good friend from there.
Think about how the nazi's turned the community against one another in the 1930's.
(Old Spike)
peace and healing will start here.
But I don't think the government wants a civil war, there is the divide and conquer strategy after wich big changes are implemented but I only see the walls close in, and it is not the republicans nor the democrats, it is ppl on social media, led by Trump.
It should all cool down fast before it escalates out of control, if politically motivated killing starts there is no stopping it, look at gang wars, every dead guy is revenged, it keeps on going, back and forth like a fire.
(Old Spike)
Here, look at this, and research them.
kulak koo͞-lăk′, koo͞′lăk″, -läk″
A prosperous landed peasant in czarist Russia, characterized by the Communists during the October Revolution as an exploiter.
A prosperous peasant in the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union, who owned land and could hire workers.
- (Can't remove this dot in the same post.) Patriots are this class now We don't want a dictator or king. We wanted Trump, because he was stopping the elitist establishment from rolling out their plan. We may not be able to stop it, but we must put up as much resistance against the enforcement of this. We are not going to pre emptive strike, but we must defend our communities, rather than get rounded up quietly. And I agree, healing starts here.
As you know, the defnition slowly expanded from land owners, to eventually anyone who does not whole heartedly support the regime. After that, they expanded it to anyone they pleased.
A couple years ago, White supremasists, neo nazi's and kkk were the enemy. Which is true. Then they they expanded to alt right, then they expanded to trump supporters, now it's expanding to patriots, and next comes whistleblowers and "alarmists" then it will be those that don't take the vaccine, and so on.
Right now in Germany, Merkel is starting the early phases of concentration camps, for the anti maskers. When Hitler started the camps, he didn't tell the German citizen's what they were for. He only told the people that jews were being rounded up for everyone's own good. To protect business, banking, and the safety of the community. He accused them of crimes, and solidified power with the burning of the Reichstag. (Excuse my spelling) The capital assault was the same strategy, except it wasn't Trump. The establishment applied this in reverse with state actors.
The only thing I haven't figured out is if Antifa is a resistance to this, Unwitting tools being taken advantage of, or if they are recruited and financed by the deep state.
Lately Iv'e been inclined to believe that they are well meaning people, being used for the politcal game, to break up unified resistance to the Establishment. I'm still not sure though.
(Old Spike)
Here in the comment. I have a two part video that outlines the Plans for the Globalist deepstate. It's almost 4 hours total, but there is a TON of information of a variety sources. https://www.spikednation.com/videos/tulsi-destroys-biden
(Old Spike)
Il watch it and i also wanted to apologize for name calling and playing on the person, just so you know, i hope no hard feelings
(Old Spike)
Of course not my friend. I'm sorry that I let my frustration get the better of me. I want not a drop of blood shed. Information must be our weapon.
Still wear your mask. At least to blend in. Those that arn't wearing them are being singled out as dissidents. Just don't take that jab. Please. Info is coming out every where that people are dying from it. Inform your community. But do so carefully. Some people are so indoctrinated that they can't help you.
Any questions or discussions let me know. I'm here for EVERYONE. Not just people that agree with me.