Just kidding. Vegan animal rights activists almost get run over as truck full of animals enters a slaughter facility. The truck driver was nice enough to hit the horn.
(7 votes)
Just kidding. Vegan animal rights activists almost get run over as truck full of animals enters a slaughter facility. The truck driver was nice enough to hit the horn.
(Short Spike)
(Long Spike)
Its too bad he didn't get hurt. lol I love how you hear "whats wrong with him" from one of these retards.
(Old Spike)
Well, regardless whether one likes these protesters or not, that was assault with a deadly weapon.
(Old Spike)
No it's not. You don't get to willingly and knowing walk into the path of an obcoming vehicle and then claim you were "assaulted" when your ass almost gets run over.
(Old Spike)
In the developed world the law is always in favour of the "weaker" participant in traffic. So the pedestrian being in the vehicle pathh automatically has "the right of way" (I doubt in the US it is much different, even under the pricktator). Especially if they were just standing there for everyone to be seen, which is basically what they did. So the lorry driver was in now way correct in sounding the horn at them and not stopping immediately. Imagine an elderly (maybe disoriented, not misguided like the ones in the video) person doing the same. Just because they have an agenda does not mean you have the right to run them over or fire a gun at them.
With your comment below I agree though!
(Old Spike)
The "developed world" is run by a bunch of fucking morons. In the ACTUAL WORLD, which I like to call the United States, if these fucks dared to go before a judge to claim they were assaulted they'd be laughed out of court.
As far as Trump goes, I guess you don't understands how our legal system works here because if you did you'd realize how idiotic you sound when you infer Trump kicking that currupt cunts ass would change anything. Motor vehicle laws fall under State law, not federal.
Comparing these itiots to an elderly person mistakenly walking in front of a vehicle is an entirely different thing. I specifically stated someone who WILLFULLY and KNOWINGLY walking to the path of a vehicle doesn't get to claim they are a victim.
(Old Spike)
"I specifically stated someone who WILLFULLY and KNOWINGLY ..." How would the lorry driver know that they are sane and willfully doing it?
As far as he is concerned it might be a right wing meat lobbyist being threatened by a militant (leftist of course) vegan that his family will be killed if he does not try to stop the vehicle, or a disturbed or drugged person.
Hindsight is always 20/20. But still accepting to seriously injure or kill someoneby sounding the horn and not braking (maybe even accelerating) to avoid an accident (which is his obligation) is assault, even in the third (or real) world.
BTW the trump comment was only a little trigger because I know 9 out of 10 times you will amuse me with your TSJW response. LOL
(Old Spike)