Sorta lost me on the "flattening into a pancake" part. Looks yummy as fuck! Any place that makes their own food from scratch is usually pretty good. Most restaurants around me get lazy and order all their stuff pre-made from restaurant suppliers.
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subroutine (Old Spike)
smashed burger with the right cheese = godlike. makes the meat crispy af
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Fucking hell, no onion shortage in Korea, it seems.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
Looks great!
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Pdub (Old Spike)
Costco cheese, wow. No bacon? That sauce they made for the fries looks amazing. I wonder what that off-white sauce on some of the buns is. That American cheeseburger was $5 US.
(sounds retarded)
I'll take the satan burger please!
Sorta lost me on the "flattening into a pancake" part. Looks yummy as fuck! Any place that makes their own food from scratch is usually pretty good. Most restaurants around me get lazy and order all their stuff pre-made from restaurant suppliers.
(Old Spike)
smashed burger with the right cheese = godlike. makes the meat crispy af
(Old Spike)
Fucking hell, no onion shortage in Korea, it seems.
(Long Spike)
Looks great!
(Old Spike)
Costco cheese, wow. No bacon? That sauce they made for the fries looks amazing. I wonder what that off-white sauce on some of the buns is. That American cheeseburger was $5 US.