Yes Biden has started on a terrible overreaching footing. The rotten apple to pick out of that barrel is not drilling on federal land, however. "difficult to replace" jobs my ass, the whole point is to replace them with better jobs in clean energy.
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
The jobs won't be replaced with clean energy jobs. Most of that will be automated. Or will require a university education. Plus the comparitve amount of labor available through clean energy vs Oil/coal etc can't compare.
This isn't going to work out in the utopian way. This is going to create mass poverty and further erode the middle class.
But, We are going to keep heading down this path. There is more for the people to see.
(Old Spike)
burning oil/coal only gives a 1/3 of its potential and its one of the dirties fuels. the world is moving away from it. you don't have to send people to school, you can train them. the people that put up fields of solar panels are just average joes. instead of construction companies paving a road they're putting them up.
making this about poverty is the same excuse people used to defend the use of slavery.
everything to you right now is sending us down a path. biden could have blueberry pancakes instead of chocolate chip pancakes and that would somehow be sending us down a path.
(Old Spike)
When all of the solar panels are built, then what? You won't need as many people to maintain them.
Slavery was never really profitable. You had to house and feed them. That's why the world switched over to a more debt based system. Then people house and feed themselves.
And yes, everything Biden is doing is leading us down a terrible path.
The dirty energy isn't going away like everyone thinks. It's moving to china and/or Africa. And they arn't going to operate clean either.
It will be a system of "rules for thee, not for me."
If the socialist utopia is real, that means all the rich are going to disperse their wealth into the world and live just like us. We know that won't happen.
(Old Spike)
you don't understand alot of things.
you build the panels, you put them up, then when new, better panels are made, you replace them and you keep doing that. while thats happening, your building wind turbines, and when newer ones are available, you replace them, while thats happening. you build develop and build batteries, while thats happening, you start to build recharging stations. this is going to happen sooner or later. you can't keep pumping till theres nothing left before you make the transition. its better to be leading the charge into it so you can atleast sell it to other countries.
slavery was very profitable, why do you think they pass laws banning it? its been practiced for over 10k years. its free labour and if you get a matching set can make another. the very reason people started to get slaves is because they could feed them. the development of agriculture and slavery go hand in hand.
nobody with a brain is saying dirty energy is going away. every day you have something like 3 billion people literally lighting something on fire to cook breakfast. what this is about is moving a developed country from dirty to clean energy. as time progress' these devoloping countries with three times the population of america are going to be burning fossil fuels at an enormous rates. refusing to switch to an alternate energy source is essencially a race to death.
in a socialist utopia, nobody is rich, money doesn't exist. housing, food, a car, its all free. you wake up. you go to work. you stop at the grocery store and grab what ever you like and you go home. you do this because you care about society as much as the person who works the garden/farm that produces the food.
(Old Spike)
If that was true, then we would build the green infrastructure first, have it fully ready, then switch. Not shut down industry first then build. I'll tell you right now, every single one of them is not at work building this infrastructure or getting their training as we speak. They are jobless and not making money.
The reason slavery was invented and used was to punish crime. Rather than have people sitting in jail cells and being a burden on society, they had them work for what they ate while serving their sentence, as well as contributing to society, and potentially learning honest skills for when they were released. Some cultures also used it for POW's. And also it was meant for those who got themselves into crushing debt. And it was also meant to make up for labor shortages in areas of work many free people had no interest in pursueing.
Where it became a real problem was human rights violations, putting people into slavery that did nothing to deserve imprisonment, Largely through imperialism, false accusations, and kidnapping. It also fell out of favor as it become less profitable. Extra land was required to house them, maintence of their living quarters under better conditions were required, people had to be hired to make sure they didn't become violent, more food for slaves meant less profit from your own business.
In this socialist utopia, the elites that corrupted capitalism and rigged the system are going to stay fat and wealthy, they will use whatever vehicles they choose, they eat what they want, they will travel where they want, they will maintain their estates and oppulent lifestyles while preventing anyone else from working and moving up to enjoy a higher standard of living than what is "provided" Allowed.
(Old Spike)
you're so stupid that i feel that you're parents should take some of the blame. how do you get to that point? its just more aimless statements hoping one sticks. where you homeschooled? you seriously don't understand how so many things in the real world work. you don't understand the very concept you're trying to talk about. to be that stupid is a skill.
(Old Spike)
I'm not hoping for anything from you Sal. For someone that is defending the viewpoints of tolerance and inclusion, you seem to be pretty intolerant and exclusive.
It's not meant to be a jab, but simply an observation.
(Old Spike)
here's a quote of yours. it fits nicerly here
"The reason my education system failed is because foreign exchange students from communist countries came over here in the 50's and occupied our places of higher education and government and began subverting our values and education system. Causing a death spiral of our patriotic culture."
(Old Spike)
I stand by that. It's how subversion works. It's how people willingly embrace otherwise insane concepts totally removed from reality and utterly destructive to liberty based culture.
If you didn't watch this -
Then of course you have no idea what I am talking about. Do yourself a favor. Watch it. Take notes. Even if just for the sake of shooting me down in flames.
(Old Spike)
i stand by my statements that you're an idiot. you know that the chocolate you eat is harvested by child labour, the shoes you wear are made by them, the minerals mined to build your phone are coming from third world countries who's work conditions border on slave labour. the phone themselves come from a countries who employess are payed so little they have a tendency to jump out windows. with that stuff in mind. to you switching to clean energy is the more evil thing to do.
if gods real, he wants nothing to do with you
(Old Spike)
So why are you buying all these products?
I don't eat sugar, I like staying lean and fit. I haven't bought a phone since 2015. I buy them when they break. My shoes, made in USA.
Also MORE DEADLY DISEASES ON THE WAY according to WHO. <iframe width="640" height="360" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border: none;" src=""></iframe>
Also. 4 masks now. Seriously people wake up.
(Old Spike)
clean energy jobs aren't any more automated than coal already is. most mining and refining is now automated anyway. the jobs producing solar panels are all blue collar manufacturing jobs, and there's a lot of distribution, installation, and maintenance jobs that are all similarly no degree required. compared with coal it's actually a lot more.
solar panels will never "all be built" because of their 30-year lifespan, and as sal has already said, all the upgrade work. dirty energy really is going away though, as the easy-to-mine coal and oil dwindles. it already costs a lot more to mine coal than ever before because we have to dig so much deeper now, and so as the cost of extracting coal increases and the cost of producing renewable energy decreases, the point where mining coal costs more than you can make off it is already nearing.
i will agree that most of what biden is doing is completely down the wrong path, only thing that makes sense is helping the country shift to clean energy, which is what's going to happen naturally anyway. coal mines have been shedding jobs for ages as they become less profitbale, so any government needs to aid that transition, because all the coal companies every do is just close down and leave. they have no obligation to all the people who lose their jobs when a mine closes.
and yeah the mask thing is just a stupid placebo. they don't work and never have.
(Old Spike)
I'm trying to think deeper about this. Is there any rare materials these things are made out of? Anywhere we could hit shortages, or any nation that has alot of control on these materials?
EDIT: Here we go.
It all hinges on China's control of Graphite. As from what I understand Graphene is the most abundant and efficient way to make them.
China controls 70% of global supply. They have been selling it at inflated prices in recent years.
If they bottleneck, inflate, or cutoff graphite for whatever reason they want. No solar panels. Also we "Waste" graphite on other things too like golf clubs and pencils.
The only alternative at that point is to make solar panels that either have less conductivity or are coated with more rare materials.