Choice is now political and grounds for firing...

sato's picture

Woman fired from job for using Parler speaks out on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

I hope most here can recognize how significant this is. If you do any of the things that are not associated with our side, you will be terminated. This is approaching Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot - getting rid of people for wearing glasses level. They are being killed or jailed by the state, but if the government allows this then any business can deny any person goods or services based on any choice they make whatsoever, including of course food and housing.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

watched this earlier in the day. she put on twitter a week ago that she was fired for being a christian and a conservative not because she had accounts on parler and gab. i think she was part of that love triangle where  lady austranaut drover across the country wearing diapers so she didnt ahve to stop

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Dagambit's picture

whoa, watch out internet, we got a real journalist here. Good job Sal9000!


Now it isn't like I don't believe you, but I kinda need a link, because I don't see your statement anywhere on the internet. Do you have a link that backs up your statement?  This sounds like something Mao would say (haha, justkidding on that last part)

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras,h_813,w_1440,x_0,y_0/c_limit,dpr_auto,f_auto,fl_lossy,q_80,w_1080/astronaut-diapers_ex2su1.jpg

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well if it is on tucking fucker I'd take this with a pinch shovel of salt.


Since when has general media become fashionable and believable again, btw? Oh yes, sorry, I forgot, when it confirms the poster's bias.....


Oh yes, and:

Most here actually can recognize how significant this would be if it turns out to be true AND is not an isolated incident by some bigot employer.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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If they let this hold up now, then it will only spread.

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sato's picture

again, the person or organisation who is delivering the message has no bearing on the veracity of the content of the message.

it's the first in the list.


a quick search brings up the official statement made by the employer confirming it to be true:

“The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency was distressed to discover this morning, January 25th, that one of our agents has been using the social media platforms Gab and Parler. We do not condone this activity, and we apologize to anyone who has been affected or offended by this.”


of course the very first incident is isolated, what matters is what happens from here. if it's allowed then other organizations doing the same thing will similarly be allowed. that's the whole point of posting this and having a discussion.

do you think companies should be allowed to fire employees based on the apps they use or have accounts for?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

It is really simple:
If she thinks she has been unfairly dismissed she goes to court.


What we have here is a one sided story, which misses at least some, probably a lot of, facts and is used by the alt rtght, their favourite newschannel's (as this can be trusted in this case because it is their bias, lol) own Tucker Goebbelson as propaganda against the "leftist marxist fascists".


So let's wait what the courts, that will fact check (oooooooh the altright "unword" of the year) the lady's claims will come up with.


If it turns out she really was dismissed for "using parler" then you would have a point, I think you probably don't. Now somehow the company must have found out she is "using parler" so whoever "denounced" her would be similarily guilty and should be dismissed. So my best guess is she was talking shit about her company and or bosses on parler because they don't share her political views and or delusions, which would put in question her loyalty and most probably give good reason for dismissal.



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theblackswordsman's picture
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Did going to the courts help the jews in the 30's?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Now I know the likes of you feel somewhat empowered by the orange twat, that clearly is shown by the language you use (the royal you, i.e. the far or "alt" right), which has worsened gradually within the last 4 years. Of course you are encouraged by your peers in the forums you use, by the far right idols of yours and their blogs and podcasts and of course by the far right mainstream and non mainstram media you like and frustrated that you are laughed at by people with half or more of a brain elsewhere.


now, like the brainless antimaskers you compare this shit to the third reich and suddenly "socialists" become "fascists"  (not that you have an even remote understanding of either) and everything that doesn't go "your way" is rigged, although there is not a shred of evidence for it.


People like you are always part of the problem, never part of the solution.


Fucking hell, I cannot find words strong enough expressing the disgust I have for vile little shits like you. 


But hey, you still are amusing me, so keep your bile coming!



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theblackswordsman's picture
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"I cannot find words strong enough expressing the disgust I have for vile little shits like you. "


You're the one that's attacking me. I have never advocated for removing anyone's rights. You seem perfectly fine with removing anyone's that doesn't fit your belief system.


Look at the signs of what is happening.


Lockdowns. Violation of human rights. My arguements have nothing to do with masks, even if I believe it's absurd.


Camps for dissidents.


Expanding criterea of terrorism and enemies of the state.


Shutting down political opposition.


Main stream news becoming more one sided.


Goon squads breaking up citizen's ability to peaceful protest = Antifa


Unequal Justice. Antifa members get arrested for violence, DA's not prosecuting them, and they are sprung right after. Yet a group citizens decides to fight back against them, and they are terrorists.


Attempted infringements on citizen's right to bear arms.


Overabundance of useless education programs that have no real career paths.


Overabundance of fluff entertainment = Bread and circus from Nero's philosophy.


Consistent and rapid government overreach.


SOME polititians trying to speak for us when we want an election, saying we don't. - In Canada


Platforms like twitter not removing child pornography because "It does not violate our TOS"


All of these things which are dangerous, and have lead down bad paths for citizen's historically are now being NORMALIZED.


At what point has the gov gone too far to you? Or do you trust them in everything?


I haven't even spoken in this convo about election fraud, but you guys seem to believe that is an impossibility. Even though it has happened in many nations in the past. You also seem to believe that systemic governemtn and judicial corruption from top down is impossible. Even though that Happened in every communist and fascist regime in history.


But no. Can't happen here. 


"It is not the voters that have the power, the real power lies in those that count the votes." - Stalin.

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Dagambit's picture

Interestingly the sentence is "... that one of our agents has been using the social media platforms Gab and Parler. " 


They may have a policy set at work, that says no social media sites (like facebook etc) and got rid of her that way; the statement is unclear if she was just a member and they found out, or if she was using company resources to visit social media that is not allowed at that work environment. This can escalate to, [political content, or terriorist webpages] depending on how they categorize parlor, i don't even know wtf Gab is. 


if it was against policy and that policy is a zero tolerence and she was using it on company equipment, might be a legit firing. MIGHT. If no zero policy, a warning should have been made. 

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Vic Jacoby's picture

Face it, we're heading straight into facism, led by a man who defined his own actions as that of a dictator (before he was elected).  Who's the dictator now, Creepy Joe?

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

You're right we are heading into a new form of fascism. One that is more efficient, and more subversive. But Joe is not in charge. Nor any FACE that we see. They are tools.


The top of the pyramid scheme we will NEVER know. All kinds of ideas and conspiracy theories out there. But none of them are in charge. Simply because we know about them. What we know is what we are allowed to know. 


What is certain is their collective is ancient. They have manipulated world events for hundreds if not thousands of years. They view human life as pointless and that's why they treat us like toys. They laugh at people's political arguements because we believe their control can be broken from inside the system.


They are evil, they absolve themselves of their crimes, they have thought through cause and effect far beyond what most people are capable of. They are utterly sadistic, and they don't need things like money. 


They are not the masons, they are higher. They are not the illuminati, they are higher, they are not the Jesuits. They are higher. They are not the 1% wealthy families, they are higher, They are not even something that I cannot name, because it is dangerous. They are higher.


Why is this last one more dangerous, even though it is (uncommonly) known and less commonly understood? Not because they are in charge, but because it funnels to 1 man. Some believe the buck stops there. I believe there is minimum one more layer above. It's dangerous to discuss because it is MUCH closer to the top than the rest. If you want to study I will give you 3 clues. 1. There is no initiation for them. You are born into it. 2. Hitler was believed to be a part of them. Not true, but he was a disciple. 3. There are 13 of them. The power structure is a new pyramid. 9. 3. then 1.


Look up Michael Black's series on Occultacracy.


All of these systems and secret societies are their tools.

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skeptoid's picture

Anyone starting to understand what I meant by "too dangerous to comment"?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

we all do, except the one that wanted to spare us from his hate "for at least half a year"

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skeptoid's picture

How come you live in Spain?

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