9 Year Old Pepper Sprayed by Police


stokkebye's picture

Cop logic(from the racist sheriff vid): Its not assault and torture if they are properly trained.


Every one of those cops should be fired, not just the one that sprayed her but those that stood there and did nothing to help her. 

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daftcunt's picture
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The kid was already in handcuffs, why spray the panicked kid in this extremely stressful situation?


According to reports she threatened to kill herself and her mother. That's why police was called in the first place.


The incompetence level of US cops is unrivalled it seems.

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Dagambit's picture

FAILURE TO OBEY LAWFUL ORDERS - also, she was warned more than once. Don't care, she deserved it, for not letting the car door close.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I object. If it was a full grown repeated offender that is highly dangerous. Maybe.


The cops could have just pulled her further in from the other side while the female cop shut the door.


I rule poor judgment and excessive force.

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stokkebye's picture

Almost all angencies are required to wipe away the peppper spray after they are handcuffed and stuffed, otherwise it is just plain torture. Also, if they cant handle a fucking 9 yr old how the fuck can they handle a dude?!

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Dagambit's picture

i think there is a different factor at play, had this been an adult I think they would have roughed him up or put hands on him. Shit maybe even tased him. Since this is a minor, any form of physcial contact is what will be quick on the draw to call for child abuse or the such. I have been reading a lot of forums where cops interject lately, most talking about how their hands are tied more and more everyday. They need to keep hands off and resort to sprays more then hands on or possible lethal force. This is the way they are going. 


Now with that being said, if someone warns me that I am about to be pepper srpayed if I don't do X, I will probably give them a mouth full, while still performing X as told. Just common sense, since the video picks up in the middle of the confrontation and not her escourt to the car, she may have already tried to have been pulled and struggled against the offices in question. No one want to strong arm and hurt a kid that has a good concious or at least in this "black lives matter" era. So, just calling the video how I see it. She was warned TWICE, with an "even though I don't want to" added on. 


On second viewing, it looks like the female cop is actually trying to remove her legs and then the girl starts getting hysterical about the cop "saying no you said you were going to pepper spray me" the camera pans up and you can finally see after that statement she reaches for it. 


TLDR: It is okay, we can have a differnce of opinion. 

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